Arts Funding - Page 18 of 18 - a-n The Artists Information Company

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Arts funding – fact or fiction?

On 2 September, the BBC posted a news story on its website claiming that “Two-thirds of people agree with the government’s stance on cutting arts funding and increasing reliance on private cash, a survey has suggested.”

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Resource Archive News archive

Tracking AIR activism

Alongside AIR’s campaigns and work looking at the issues affecting artists, a group of AIR activists (myself included) have volunteered to play a more active role; raising awareness of the value of artists. These are early days in what will hopefully prove to be long-term and ever-widening effort, but conversation has begun and some activists already have events planned.

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Resource Archive Feature

Reflections on the arts funding crisis

Thoughts from artists and arts professionals about how cuts in public spending will affect their future working pattern. Plus April Britski gives an account of how recent governmental decisions to cut arts funding have affected Canadian artists.

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Tweets on arts funding

In May, Culture Minister Jeremy Hunt announced cuts to the arts to take immediate effect. Here

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Dialogue in Scotland

The forth and final Creative Scotland dialogue event was held at the impressively refurbished Briggait building on the banks of the River Clyde, Glasgow.

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Vaizey defends ACE cuts

Minister for Culture, Communications and Creative Industries defended the decision to cut the Arts Council’s budget by a disproportionate 4% at the launch of Arts and Business initiative The Big Arts Give.

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The BIG Decision
Resource Archive Feature

Arts funding

In last month’s issue we reported on the online commentaries ensuing from the DCMS’s announcement of the extent to which public subsidy for the arts will be cut. In a bid to grant a voice for practitioners and arts professionals, platforms have been initiated on social sites including Marcus Romer’s (Artistic Director of Pilot Theatre) Artsfunding ning network Here we republish excerpts of postings on Artsfunding, plus other timely commentaries related to this line of discussion.

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Resource Archive Discussion

Editorial – 2010 July

In the face of a new political era compounded by an unprecedented financial climate, the need to forecast our future living and working conditions is urgently felt.

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Turning Point revisited

Arts Council England’s ten-year visual arts plan turned a corner in April when a-n became aware of a new pilot scheme designed to create ‘a national network for a stronger visual arts’.

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Cultural jobs promised

Government plans to create between five and ten thousand new jobs for young people who will be paid the minimum wage were announced in May by the then Work and Pensions Secretary James Purnell and outgoing Culture Secretary Andy Burnham.

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Funding in brief

From 2009, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation is changing its funding strategy to support innovative ideas and unusual partnerships across its cultural, educational and social interests. Open to application, the new Innovation Programme aims to support fewer organisations with larger amounts of […]

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Origin 2008, exterior of Somerset House
Resource Introduction

Markets for designer-makers

How does a maker reach the market? Freelance consultant and Market Development Manager for Cockpit Arts Abigail Branagan highlights the key routes.

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Resource Archive News archive

Join the ACE debate

Arts Council England has at last ventured into the world of open web-based debate as part of its review of the public value of the arts.

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European funds

For those worried about the impact of loss of EU funds for their cultural industries information and business development programmes, keep a beady eye on As ever, the bureaucracy is running behind the practicalities and whilst the Culture 2000 […]

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Resource Guide

Going for grants

Applying for funding? Ever wondered how the experts do it? Rosemary Shirley asked a range of experienced artists, curators and arts professionals to share their top tips for successful funding applications.

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Resource Archive Feature

There’s gold in dem der hills

With Arts Council England’s Grants for the arts scheme back after a summer break, a-n engaged a team of experienced prospectors to share their top tips on making successful funding applications. Rosemary Shirley reports.

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International news

The rapid ongoing abrogation of boundaries and fusions in art, technology and society are the focal point for the 2005 Ars Electronica Festival. Held in Linz, Austria, 1-6 September, it comprises a fascinating mixture of events, conferences, symposia, exhibitions and […]

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Resource Archive News archive

Arts funding shake up

Following on the tail of proposals in Scotland and Wales that would drastically curtail the powers of the arts councils there comes news of a review in Northern Ireland. Under threat is the UK’s ‘arm’s length’ principle of arts funding […]

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Resource Archive News archive

Grants for the arts

Also under the microscope has been Arts Council England’s Grants for the arts programme. This has been dubbed in Annabel Jackson Associates’ evaluation of the 2003/04 scheme as “a brave and radical initiative that has transformed grant making [but that […]

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Professional developments

Commissions East has launched a new professional development scheme. Funded by Arts Council England, East and the European Social Fund. It includes ten new mentoring relationships for artists in East England, with Jordan Baseman, Jane Wildgoose, Louise K Wilson, Eddie […]

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Resource Archive News archive

Grants live

Arts Council England (spot the subtle difference in the title) has recently launched its new unified grants scheme for England. This offers support for individuals, arts organisations, national touring and other people who use the arts in their work for […]

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