Bauhaus - a-n The Artists Information Company
Line on a walk, a Klee experiment
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
Wed 29 Before leaving the UK I found a few architectural tours that looked worth investigation so decide today will be a day of action. I look online for alternative Plovdiv and find a map of in the city which […]
Saturday and Sunday
Saturday 26 May Have now got 4 fans to test my experiment, to keep my length of fabric horizontal, yet moving and causing a disruption. I spend much of the day seeing if I can improve the upward flow of […]

Now Showing #286: The week’s top exhibitions
A selection of the week’s best shows, including: subversive humour and entertainment value from the Chicago Imagists at Goldsmiths CCA, London; popular culture and historical paranoias at Mostyn, Llandudno; plus a century of the Bauhaus at Nottingham Lakeside Arts.
architectural plaiting
the last term on our course covered plaiting, none of us had realised just how much you can hate cutting up strips of bockingford paper into straight 1.5cm lengths but that is exactly how we started, so it could only […]

The Art Of Revolution exhibition
The Art Of Revolution Exhibition -
September 04, 2017 -
September 30, 2017 -
East England