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30/30 All The Paintings

Thank you so much for all your support and encouragement whilst I’ve been endeavouring to paint thirty paintings in the last thirty days, I truly appreciate it. It’s been a delight and a privilege – and also a juggle to […]

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Blog Post


Merrily mingling, all happily swanning round the flower bed, petals and leaves gently fluffed up in the breeze. It’s a time for celebration, their buds have all opened in synchronicity and they’re simply delighted to be together, discovering the beauty […]

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Blog Post

In The Pink

Blushing in a variety depths of pinkish hues, these blooms feel like they’ve opened quite by accident today. No-one told them that the sun would be shining quite so merrily, and these lovelies have found themselves literally ‘in the pink’ […]

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Blog Post

Wild Abandon

Dancing the dance of their whole existence on the stage of all lives, these blooms embrace only wild abandon as their mantra. Wild Abandon (collage and acrylic paint on mounted canvas board, 30x30cm) available click for purchase info   (Artquest […]

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Blog Post

Singing The Blues

Blithely bouncing along to their own rhythm. At first glance, it’s a nature-instigated one of breeze and sunshine, but these blooms have an unique cadence as they hum and bop to melodies only clear to them. Stop. Listen. Close your […]

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Blog Post

Neighbourly Knowing

Seemingly packed in to the border but actually having oodles of room. These lovelies like having the comfort of neighbours just there, having them to help read their minds. Takes the pressure off having to intricately know oneself all the […]

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Blog Post

Secretly Frivolous

Dutifully bobbing heads to passers by, some sprinkling the odd petals underfoot in a spot of bashful hope. These beauties believe themselves to be classically refined, but they secretly know they’re not really beyond the frivolous should the mood take […]

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Blog Post

Racing Rainbows

Mischievous gusts sweep in ever-strengthening tides, making their way towards their favourite place of ruffling. Swathes of petals flitter and flutter as the games commence. Some are anchored securely, some not-so much, instigating fans of flaming colour as far as […]

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Blog Post


Luxuriously unfurling and extending all petals and foliage, the bright warmth disarms any misgivings and tempts even the shyest from their night time closets. Some are stunned, standing upright, letting themselves ease into this rare reality. Others immediately bounce and […]

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Blog Post

Shake, Rattle & Roll

Feathery wisps of seed heads sweep up and around in the breeze, and catch in the vibrant petals as they flutter and dance. Too light and frothy to really give themselves a destination, they literally take life as it comes. […]

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Blog Post

Mermaid Wake

Surrounding crowds part as the bright petalled tongue unfurls, her presence at once the centre yet also appearing to affect areas unable to touch. Never failing to make an entrance, she sweeps and swishes as if a mermaid tail casting […]

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Blog Post

Brazen Beauties

Dance cards are filling and frills are being flounced. No batting of eyelids or fluttering of fans amongst these brazen beauties. The night is young and they want to make the most of every minute. Brazen Beauties (collage and acrylic […]

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Blog Post

Waffly Lines

All lined up in flowery teams, waiting for the whistle to blow and the games can begin. The lines are a bit waffly, their edges are frothily petalled after all, but the intent is there. Do those gazes just contain […]

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Blog Post

Beauty Sleep

Snuggled up cosily with their hot chocolates, marshmallow toppings abound, these sleepy heads are already snoozing. Dusk is creeping up and their vibrance is bright despite the fading light. Eyelids drooping, beauty sleep is approaching, ready for another grand entrance […]

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Blog Post

Love At First Sight

Reaching across pale ribbons in recognition of seeing one so familiar. Love at first sight? Romance was harbouring in their souls before that glimpse. They say that half the proof is in the set-up. Dare they wonder enough to wander […]

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Blog Post

Kaleidoscopic Bursts

Bursts of buds spring themselves open in response to the heady summer sun. Kaleidoscopic hues abound as these newbies get to know the neighbours they’ve been nesting next to. Kaleidoscopic Bursts (collage and acrylic paint on canvas, 16x12cm) available click […]

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Blog Post

Masked Quest

Petalled swathes flutter in the breeze, like masses of butterflies on a secret quest that only their wings provide cover for. When they all take flight at once, everything but their colour is masked. Who knows what truly lies beneath? […]

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Blog Post

Five O’Clock Somewhere

We’re hurrying and scurrying, making our spaces and days count. Then all at once we reach that point in the day where a moment of solace is gathered, we realise there is warm sunshine beckoning us to bask and so […]

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Blog Post


Oh it was a good night last night! Such fabulous nocturnal times sometimes make for slightly heavier heads the next day. Stunning beauty is no less, just feeling the weight of the day a little more than usual – maybe […]

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Blog Post


It’s a day for pootling about. One of those unhurried days where things get done, but they don’t have a list to be ticked off against. Time flows and there is space for stretching, sunning and generally making the most […]

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Blog Post

Airborne Musings

Finding herself wistfully wondering aloud and then catching her words as if hearing them second-hand. Did she really disclose her most heartfelt of yearnings to those around? Did they even notice? Or did those vocal dreams float up into the […]

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Blog Post

Dazzling Dancers

Dazzling dancers shimmy their way through the meadow, their enthusiasm infectious as they pass, twirling and swishing in the heady sunlight. It’s a time of wonder, of an uncensored moment of glee. Not so rare in the happening, but perhaps […]

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Blog Post

Winning Smiles

Bundles of abundant heads rise and smile at you winningly, batting lashes and knowing they’re at their most fetching. Spring hues abound as these beauties seek to claim your heart, seasonal passions overflowing in their own perfection. Winning Smiles (collage […]

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Blog Post

Sunny Plumage

The sunniest of days bestows the brightest of rays on these basking blooms, who feather their petals like plumage. Boldly reaching out, yearning for that happy dose of glowing warmth. Their sought-after measure is gratefully received and they fan themselves […]

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Blog Post

Liquid Sequins

Petals display freshly-poured raindrops that glisten and accentuate their finest attributes on this showery day. The sun bestows the brightest of shines and the drops turn into liquid sequins, giving these blooms the dazzling jewels they deserve. Liquid Sequins (floral […]

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