And then the sea came back into view – along with the beauties of Clett, Mingay and the North Uist island range. Charcoal Landscape from Lochbay, Waternish, Isle of Skye (what3words location: movie.inflation.pegs) The Sketchbook Project is the world’s largest collection of […]
Looking up to the crofts as the road steers away from the coast a little. Charcoal Landscape from Lochbay, Waternish, Isle of Skye (what3words location: chainsaw.magnitude.distilled) The Sketchbook Project is the world’s largest collection of artist sketchbooks and is housed in Brooklyn, […]
Heading out of Lochbay and just catching sight of the headlands and islands that form the entrance to the bay. The cows lolling in the field next to me are mooing their breakfast enjoyment :) Charcoal Landscape from Lochbay, Waternish, […]
Amongst the pebbles and seaweed on Stein beach looking out towards Ardmore Point. Charcoal Landscape from Lochbay, Waternish, Isle of Skye (what3words location: define.applauded.disco) The Sketchbook Project is the world’s largest collection of artist sketchbooks and is housed in Brooklyn, New York. […]
Approaching the beach at Stein and appreciating the vastness of the hills surrounding the bay at sea level. Charcoal Landscape from Lochbay, Waternish, Isle of Skye (what3words location: unwound.organist.debut) The Sketchbook Project is the world’s largest collection of artist sketchbooks and is […]
Catching the jutting headlands and islands over the trees and roof of Lochbay House. Charcoal Landscape from Lochbay, Waternish, Isle of Skye (what3words location: remake.repeated.regaining) The Sketchbook Project is the world’s largest collection of artist sketchbooks and is housed in Brooklyn, New […]
Taking a look back along Lochbay towards the Bay inlet. Charcoal Landscape from Lochbay, Waternish, Isle of Skye (what3words location: The Sketchbook Project is the world’s largest collection of artist sketchbooks and is housed in Brooklyn, New York. Many are digitised and available […]
All islands are clearly defined against the skies this morning. Of particular delight is the Isle of Harris showing her splendour (top right corner). Charcoal Landscape from Lochbay, Waternish, Isle of Skye (what3words location: plugged.sinking.cove) The Sketchbook Project is the world’s largest […]
Continuing the David Park-inspired life drawing session outlined in yesterday’s blog post, we turned our attention to the application of colour. Gary Long showed us some of his paintings, as well as those of David Park and the other San Francisco […]
I delighted in treating myself to an online life drawing session with my favourite art school this week: St Ives School of Painting. The session was hosted by Gary Long, who regards the life drawings of David Park, one of the San […]
Pinks lightly scattered through the petals, dancing and changing every time you blink. There’s always more to something than first meets the eye. Dancing Pinks (mixed media on canvas, 50x50cm) (Click to follow my blog with Bloglovin)
Dreamy Smile (mixed media on canvas, 50x50cm) Come closer, see glassy reflections on those crystal blue skies through the fragrant blooms. I feel like I have windows on the world, reflecting those skies. Optimism and a dreamy smile prevails on these […]
Jewelled Cavern (mixed media on canvas) Lush swathes of deep greens peppered with orange blossom sweep down the front of my building. It’s only by good fortune that it parts enough to allow other life to visit the jewelled cavern […]
I can see the Stein headland from where I’m sketching today. Standing proudly, facing out to sea, dutifully protecting the bay. Charcoal Landscape from Lochbay, Waternish, Isle of Skye (what3words location: superbly.spinning.sleep) The Sketchbook Project is the world’s largest collection of artist […]
Dunvegan headland and the inner islands feel particularly close today – and I can just see North Uist’s Eabhal peering over the skyline to the right. Charcoal Landscape from Lochbay, Waternish, Isle of Skye (What3words location: responds.back.crumb) The Sketchbook Project is the […]
No outer islands today on the horizon but the inner ones are sunning themselves beautifully amongst the still waters in the bay. Charcoal Landscape from Lochbay, Waternish, Isle of Skye (What3words location: headline.tearfully.noisy) The Sketchbook Project is the world’s largest collection of […]
A northerly wind keeps the midges at bay whilst the sunshine tries to coax the haze from the Uist islands. Charcoal Landscape from Lochbay, Waternish, Isle of Skye (what3words location: chew.this.pots) The Sketchbook Project is the world’s largest collection of artist sketchbooks […]
View over The Minch with the Uist Islands peeking over the horizon, settled in their misty shroud. (Charcoal Landscape from Lochbay, Waternish, Isle of Skye – what3words location: avid.printer.tightest) The Sketchbook Project is the world’s largest collection of artist sketchbooks and is […]
The islands are sleepily emerging as the morning mist rises. They’re not ready to rise and shine yet, it’s more of a duvet day for these. (Charcoal landscape from Lochbay, Waternish, Isle of Skye – what3words location: intent.unloads.bolts) The Sketchbook […]
In the spring, before the midges hatched and inspired by Louise Fletcher on the Art Juice podcast, I registered with The Sketchbook Project. The Sketchbook Project is the world’s largest collection of artist sketchbooks and is housed in Brooklyn, New York. Many are digitised and […]
This month’s online life drawing session was Klimt-themed from the St Ives School of Painting. Our Tutor, Tom Rickman had organised a fabulous series of poses with Kerry, our model. It felt as if I hadn’t used pastels for such a long […]
The Diebenkorn-inspired life drawing session by the School of Painting, St Ives was simply delightful. Led by Gary Long, I learned about the 1960s San Francisco Bay Area figurative movement (who included Diebenkorn) and their style of life drawing. Gary Long taught me in a week-long […]
A recent online life drawing from the School of Painting, St Ives focused on the style of the Pre-Raphaelite artists. Led by Hilary Jean Gibson, it was wonderful to learn and practice a few of the different poses and styles of this period. […]
I tuned in to a life drawing session from the School of Painting, St Ives last weekend. The theme for this time was Matisse’s use of patterns to create space and form. Alice Mumford encouraged us to draw in ink, using a […]
Taking a break from having danced for hours, this door is puffing hard. She loves a carnival and has pranced with the best of doors. The festive spirit has infused her soul so she glows from her dancing heart. door#31 […]