Discussion Festival
https://www.platform-7.com/discussion-festival -
September 21, 2021 at 07:00 PM -
The Internet
I continue to turn up at the studio, and today it was nice to not know what I would be doing before I got there. Or perhaps it is more accurate to say that I was not already thinking about […]
Image: Lockdown 12.04.20 This started in the first week of UK Lockdown, when I caught myself bogged down in the daily mire of scrolling through the newsless news app. What am I looking at? Anguished and tearful at articles more frightening […]
Thursday evening I chatted with two directors of the Supermarket Art Fair about my suggestion for inviting exhibitors, staff, and volunteers to post a ’snap-shot’ of what they are doing the week that they should have been at the fair […]
a-n Blogs is a great place to share the process of your practice or the progress of a residency or project you’re working on. We’ve pulled together a few tips on blogging on www.a-n.co.uk to help you get started.
I started a comment to Elena’s blog and then realised I’d morphed into a new blog post on my own blog. So transferred here. BUT PLEASE READ ELENA”S THREADS BLOG FIRST before you read this comment. It’s a good blog […]
Two weeks ago I began writing a post. Since then it has been sitting on my desktop. Why didn’t I finish and post it at the time? I am sure that it felt somehow incomplete, now I am overly conscious […]
Congratulations to artist Stuart Mayes who has been charting the progress of his practice on his a-n blog Project Me since January 2007.
Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear blog, Happy birthday to you! 10 years old today! DOUBLE figures, a whole decade behind me – wow! And who knows what lies ahead, I certainly could not […]
Audioblog – Please click here The isolated artist is a myth. Impossible. (If you have evidence to the contrary, do tell) It is only by talking to other artists that you develop. (Talking to non-artists is good too, but a […]
AUDIOBLOG – Please click here And so it becomes obvious why my blog has been a little quiet. There wasn’t much going on that didn’t have something to do with the search for a studio, or the application for the […]
I am testing that I can actually begin to use this blog as other students are currently stating they are having problems.
AUDIOBLOG – Please click here Bloggers United (From Arlanda Airport) I know I’ve said before that meeting people you’ve met online is a joy! When you’ve had meaningful exchanges about life, art, and so on, you get to know […]
So I have been rubbish with blogging this December. Yes I have been unbearably busy but I think if I was a “blogger” then I would have found the time time in my schedule, home educating and parenting time to […]
THREADS has been nominated for an award! I’m chuffed to be on the list! If you like what you see and read here, please take time to vote and spread the word! Thank you! click here to vote
This afternoon I’m sat with knee recovering in the recommended elevated position, with the sun streaming though the french windows. I have a sense of calm about me, a love of the free world we are fortunate to live in, […]
within what i do i often use a camera to record and document things what i’ve done. yesterday this was spun on it’s head. anton hecht makes videos with people in them. the people sing. slightly awkwardly at times. in […]
I find myself ridiculously excited. I am going to a meeting in London on Friday, all art and education related stuff, which I’m really pleased to still be involved in, even after shucking off the job a few months […]
I’ve had a bit of blog down time, due to technical issues – all to do with having blogs under different email addresses apparently. This is a sort of test post to see whether it is working. I know that […]
WE FEAR CHANGE I don’t know whether a-n considered the emotional effects of changing the blog platform. In the first instance, as a habitual, some might say addictive blogger, the down time was excruciating. I wrote anyway, storing up […]
Not blogging for so long has been interesting, for someone who probably blogs every three or four days. Marion Michell tweeted she was glad of the break, to reflect (you see we haven’t been able to stay away from social […]
Articles which discuss value of blogging for artists and others.
While the Top ten blogs for March sees new entries by J Kay Aplin and AnnaMaria Pinaka & Jennifer Picken, it’s Marion Michell’s blog Sleep Drunk I Dance that once again hits the high spot, with another impressive score.
Each month, we take a close look at the stats for the popular a-n blogging platform Artists talking to determine how many people are reading what and for how long. Then, by combining the number of page views with the average time spent on that page, we create a Top Ten. And in the top spot this month is…
Artists talking blogger Stuart Mayes is celebrating seven years using the platform, which he says has provided him with an important thinking space and access to a supportive community of fellow artists.