Ceramics - Page 6 of 10 - a-n The Artists Information Company

Blog Artist

Screen Printing & Ceramic Surface

a-n Artist Information Company | Professional Development Bursary | 2017
A series of blogs documenting my research and experimentation of the screen printing process and ceramic surface decoration.

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The Genesis of the Baggy Pot

Before my first session with mentor, Jill Ford, I had an artist’s day out to Centre of Ceramic Art at York Art Gallery where the have a national collection of ceramics and British studio pottery in particular. My work to […]

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Blog Artist

A Quintessence of Dust

Charting a glazing and firing development process with ceramics mentor supported by a-n professional development artist’s bursary.

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Hothouse 2017

This blog will document some of my experiences as one of the 38 designer/makers selected for the Crafts Council’s Hothouse programme.

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Blog Artist

Celtic Earth Pottery #1

Based in the North West, I create both art and practical pieces in my small tailor made studio. I have always had a great interest in our historical past and I take the inspiration of the old Celtic designs of our ancestors and add them to my work. www.celticearthpottery.co.uk

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Filming the trip

One of the missions I had set myself for this trip was to get some footage of the artist working in their studios. So I have been duly carrying my tripod and camera along to every studio visit and politely […]

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Visit to Guri to meet Jong Jin Park

KyungWon accompanied me to visit Jongjin Park in his studio, which is in a town called Guri, south east of Seoul. The journey involved trains and buses and we ended up in downtown Geru you looking up at a semi […]

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Yanggu Porcelain Museum

This was one of the bigger trips out of Seoul. Yanggu is a province but also a town situated in the north west of South Korea, quite close to the border with North Korea. Before coming to Korea several people […]

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Pildong Pottery & opening of LVS Showroom

The day I flew back from Jeju, I went straight from Gimpo airport to the first appointment of my last week in Seoul. Every day we had at least one scheduled meeting. Today we went to see Hye Mi, a […]

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Jeju Island in search of plants

I’m writing this on the plane back from Jeju to Seoul. A good time to catch up with the blog. Once I get back to Seoul, I will have exactly one week left, which is not long, especially considering I […]

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Visit to ClayArch Gimhae Museum

One of the official visits planned for this trip was a visit to ClayArch Gimhae Museum, in the south west of Korea. ClayArch is so-named due to its primary focus being architectural ceramics ‘Clay’ and ‘Arch’ for architecture. It is […]

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Seoul University Lecture

I was invited by the ceramics department of Seoul University to give a lecture to all the year groups of both undergraduate and masters courses. This was something that had been in the diary for months, organised by Kyung Won […]

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Blog Artist


I have been selected through an application process to exhibit at Collect Open, Saatchi Gallery 3rd – 6th February 2017. To make this large installation work I have received an Arts Council ‘Grants for the Arts’ Award. Follow my works progress in this blog.

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