Charity - a-n The Artists Information Company

Job Art vacancies

General Manager

Independent Arts Projects (IAP) is looking for a well-organised, efficient and experienced General Manager who will oversee the day-to-day operations of this small but busy arts charity.


advice on winding up a charity

Hi Everyone, I hope someone can help with advice on winding up a charity.  I am part of a pan european artist group.  We organise touring exhibitions across the UK and mainland Europe. we are registered as a charity in […]

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Blog Arts organiser

Art on a Postcard Summer Auction 2020

Art on a Postcard returns on 25 June with a strong line-up of beautiful mini masterpieces for its annual Summer Auction. 120 artists have produced unique original works for the auction which will raise funds for the Hepatitis C Trust.

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Blog Post

Diversification of Trust

Trust: confidence, belief, faith, freedom from suspicion & doubt, sureness, certainty, certitude, assurance, conviction, credence, reliance, responsibility, duty, obligation, safe-keeping, keeping, protection, charge, care, custody; trusteeship, guardianship. In a recent Life Scientific Jim Al-khalili was in conversation with Allie Macadam, renowned engineer. In the programme Macadam was in part talking about diversity, or lack of diversity, within the engineering sector, and […]

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Blog Artist

‘Seperation’ Painting

In this piece, I painted a symbolic representation of David Bowie’s song ‘Life on Mars?’ released in 1971. The line ‘Now she walks through her sunken dream’ conjured images of a surreal, blurred reality and the young girl with ‘mousy […]

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Blog Post

King Alfred has left the building

The deadline was extended because there was a “line-side fire” affecting trains heading to London Bridge from Sunny South London on Friday afternoon which meant delays & cancellations. He was all swaddled in bubble wrap and ready to go, too. […]

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Blog Post

Action Man as Alfred the Great

The deadline approaches, encroaches even, for 10×10 artists, designers & architects to submit their finished ‘drawings’ for auction for architectural charity Article25. Participants were given a square on the grid of London centred around the Shard, and were asked to […]

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Blog Post

Making work for a charity auction up The Shard

This past Saturday marked the start of #10x10London, a fundraising campaign for Article25’s architectural projects in post-war, post-disaster zones globally, in so called 3rd world countries, but also in underprivileged areas of our very own UK. Their members design and […]

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