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Blog Post

Sculptural extraction: debris from the river

An unexpected recent outcome from regular wading along the river has been a new series of sculptural extractions. The work relates less to plants along the river than to the experience of the river: its colour, its muddiness, its smell, […]

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Blog Post

Weeds by Richard Mabey

Talking of burdock plants (see my last post), a book I have recently discovered and loved reading is Weeds by Richard Mabey. Described on the dust jacket as ‘the first ever cultural history of weeds’, it has a whole chapter […]

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Job Art vacancies

Festival Director

Glasgow International is recruiting a Festival Director to join the team on a full-time temporary contract.

Job Commissions

Artist Commission: ‘Lighting up the Lea’ Cabinet of Curiosity 2025

The second in a series of three works funded by the Heritage fund, Cody Dock will commission an artist or creative collective to design a public work to illustrate the rich and endless history of the Lower Lea River, focusing particularly Pre- industrial period.

Job Commissions

Public Art

Public Art Commission for a community garden setting.