After my research into using destruction as a method of creating art, I decided to play around with everyday materials. I took so old magazines and altered these through ripping and building up layers and then stitching together as a […]
I took part in a collaborative project with other students called Tearing up the Past and this involved taking old coloured images primarily of religious artworks from art magazines and altering them to create a new image. I experimented with […]
A new exhibition in the Lake District explores the relationship between humility and ambition with ‘quiet’ works by 10 artists that in different ways evoke the spirit of Kurt Schwitters. Pippa Koszerek reports.
I have been continuing my work on my Moor series which was instigated by a trip away to Derbyshire. I’ve extended this remit to essentially include the more wildish aspects of the UK countryside as I normally spend most of […]
“I’m confident that with the funding applications out of the way, I’ll be able to make a decision about next priorities and get stuck in!” That was the last sentence of my last blog – two and a half weeks […]
Haven’t done a small collage in a while so here is one making use of some printed marks (yew) on paper from last year. I am feeling really out of sorts with all that is going on in the world. How […]
We have moved house and this has shifted a lot of things. For example, we now have a carpet (circa 1965) which makes for a different kind of floor and I haven’t found a way to create drawings here yet. […]
I think my dad has had all his tests for now. While waiting for him to emerge from his last scan, I started talking to someone in the waiting room who turned out to be a former local journalist (working for a […]
I can’t help thinking that this one is baring its teeth at me. My dad has been in a lot of pain and seeing what he has been going through – “wear and tear pain” according to the doctor – […]
My father is at the age when he seems to be either at the doctor’s or at the hospital for tests and I feel like I am running from one meeting to the next and taking him to his […]
Not quite a collage a day
It might seem a little odd to say, in the middle of a print residency, but, . . well here goes, It feels like painting. These latest pieces are part of a layered series called ‘Reportage’ and are A4 size. […]
Work in progress going well, though late with the blog entry. The series with ‘news stand’ as the working title, is yet to be fully developed, but a first completed run has been made, and pictured here. This set using […]
So now it’s time to sum up something of what I’ve done with my bursary. I have experimented with casting resin into blocks and worked with Meltdowns in Ramsgate to learn some of the technical stuff and done lots of […]
I had hoped to have posted about each of the pieces in the project individually but Christmas socialising, collecting work and struggles with photographic images saw my time just disappear this last week. So I have just put a gallery […]
I finally got back in the studio today after about 6 weeks! It looked very neat and tidy in there but luckily not so tidy that it was intimidating … … and I’d left a piece to finish off, which a […]
For when there is dancing again is the first of a series of minimalist collages I have wanted to do for some time. One of them has been sitting waiting to be pasted and drawn/painted for over a year. Fear […]
“A Title Stolen From Another Painting” is more lyrical than my usual style, yet it has its origins in some black and white minimalist collages I did before I started this project. I wanted to make something less stark but […]
Semester one complete and much work done too. And I am not stopping just because I have no access until January. There is sketchbook work I want to do, reflecting on practice, and I can prepare new work stencils etc. […]
The title of And They Will Never Leave Me Behind, 32/50 Collages Before Christmas, relates back to number 26 in the series. It’s really a sketch for a much bigger work and I had been intending to try it out […]
Solve et coagula is the description of a stage in the alchemists’ process where everything that has gone before seems to pass away, to disappear into an unrecognisable fluid state then begin to reform into something completely new and original. […]
I’m really getting behind on posting about this project – I am not even keeping up with production on Twitter! The main reason is the lack of light and the lack of time. The images are really bad because winter […]
I find it interesting how two ideas can become one. The sprayed and cockled slotted paper was headed for another collage but got hijacked by this. Probably not ready the first time (29/50) is one of my favourites in the […]