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Blog Post

Week 102: 25th – 31st August

Historical inquiry relies on the archive for its material in order to build narratives and explore connections between events. “The origin of the word ‘archive’… stems from the Greek and Latin words for ‘town hall, ruling office’, which, in turn, […]

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Blog Post

Cut and paste

Collage isn’t a technique I’ve made much use of in the past, my previous chopping up of found images has always been reductive rather than additive. (removing areas with a sharp scalpel or a digital airbrush) But as a thinking […]

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Blog Post

Urban Desires

Urban Desires Quite often I work on a number of pieces at the same time. Currently I have a very big painting on the way, but because of various reasons, I can’t currently proceed with it. Normally it’s to do […]

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Blog Post

Sunday watercolorist!!

The title of this post is a bit tongue in cheek but also a deliberate statement: There is nothing not serious about watercolour as a medium – just take a look at work by Carol Robertson. Which is not to […]

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Blog Post

When it just isn’t working

Whilst I seem to have been busy since my last blog, my actual creative output seems to have been pretty scant. I do seem to have been involved in an awful lot of art admin– entering competitions, preparing for a […]

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Blog Artist


‘A Digital Suicide’ is the term that refers to the elimination of one’s information online, namely social networking sites such as facebook or twitter. The project is generously supported by Arts Council of England

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Blog Post

Shadow experiments

I’m pondering what this experiment tells me. It’s a photograph of a shadow from my studio space falling onto one of my favourite collages. It connects what I’ve made to architectural space and forms – the shadow of the studio […]

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Blog Post

Forgetting to try

It feels like all my time is being sucked up at the moment  with job hunting, writing proposals  for opportunities/commissions and funding applications.  Pay and conditions in my part time job have become so dire I need to find another […]

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Blog Post

Moving paper

I’ve set my self the goal of making something in the studio every day, based on a list of starting points to further my practice. One of my current concerns is collecting and arranging collage off-cuts and I’m experimenting with […]

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Blog Post

As if as one

I have been working on my collages on oak board over the last month or so. It has been intermittent, with lots of gaps in between. Some of them worked, some of them didn’t. I am not very good at […]

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Blog Post

Revisting and renewing old works

On one of my previous blog posts I spoke about how I have used materials from old work to make new work. This week I am still playing with the 6 LED Light Sheets sourced from my old work Repeated […]

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Blog Post

Patterns and infinite circles

My 2 latest paintings have been exploring similar themes but in very different ways. ‘Discretion’ plays with the patterns I found in scrunched up newspaper which I juxtaposed with the close up detail of a lace fan. It is complicated […]

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Event Exhibition


  • Archive
  • Venue:
    Cole Gallery
  • From:
    November 19, 2014
  • To:
    November 22, 2014
  • Location:
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Blog Post

Vanitas series

This is the sort of project I love; concerns from my existing practice colliding with an external provocation (in this case, to respond to the collection of Maidstone Museum) to trigger a new idea. I’ve chosen to re-imagine what a […]

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Blog Post

Shreds of Paper

This latest work has grown out of my art that has essentially gone wrong. When tidying up my studio I came across a few medium sized blank canvases. In an ‘experimental, waste not, want not’ kind of mood, I spray […]

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Blog Post

Half mine, half other

One night a couple of weeks ago my hands seemed half mine, half other, their tops as I knew them, but my palms hurt badly and felt as large as a giant’s: not swollen but grown or grafted on, and one with […]

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Blog Post

‘Vanitas n.02’, a new piece of work in progress

Vanitas are a style of still-life painting originating from the Netherlands in the early 17th century that bring together objects together objects that symbolise the inevitability death, the transience of life, and the vanity of achievements or pleasures. My piece […]

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