The Gyles Art Exhibition
Early notice
The Gyles -
April 18, 2025 -
April 27, 2025 -
The final post sent from East Anglia with much appreciation for a 2 week residency with uncertainty. Solitary, but not solitary…company and compatriots in other guises – pebbles, paper, sand, water, vegetables, air and gravity. THE CONTAINERS [or some […]
Discover hidden aspects of yourself through free and spontaneous mark making and painting. A regular monthly day workshop in a beautiful setting in the Algarve, Portugal.
Oh dear. I still haven’t managed to include all the bits I have wanted to in my latest series of collages and painting. I have been easily distracted lately. This includes illness, my work in a theatre and the stress […]
There are various things that happen when I create my art, a place where my brain goes to, a kind of daydream. These imperfect patterns I have been creating which not only act as a backdrop to the collages I […]
As of late I have been having a wonderful time in my studio creating patterns. Using watercolour, acrylic or ink on paper, these patterns have been far from perfect in their repetitions and accuracy but I have been trying to […]
My, where has time gone? It is something that seems to stretch in front of you full of opportunity and potential and then collapses and amalgamates behind you, becoming blurred and unrecognisable. I haven’t written a blog for ages. Can’t […]
Last week I watched ‘The Magnificent Seven’ for the first time in over thirty years. In fact, I was only half watching it as I was also making some small gouache paintings and occasionally looking up. Before the action gets […]
I know that colour and images are key to so many artists like me, not least because we strive to observe colour and interpret it. Colour is, let’s face it, a perception or sensation, just like smell or taste, touch or […]
Why green? was a question put by one of my peers towards my paintings. At first I thought nothing of it, but then, I realised that I myself want to know why green and what does green hide in different […]