The Psychology of Colour
Clerkenwell Design Week -
May 23, 2019 at 04:00 PM -
Following on from my large paper collages combined with paint, I have moved on for a bit to working on small archival pieces of paper. I was given a small bundle of these a few years ago when I did […]
What is it in art that inspires you? Have you seen or experienced something recently that has made you want to run back to your studio or kitchen table to start making? I’ve been feeling a bit flat lately and […]
I am carrying on making art using primarily 2 different processes. The first is using my usual photo montage technique, but then ripping the image up, collaging it on to a surface and then painting within it. The second way […]
Traces and residue, layers of surface and non-surface, light and shadow, matt and shine. Suggestions of rooms within rooms, windows and doors delineated by a single line. Gestural, flippant even, in its approximation. An interior, a construct? Are we out […]
Yellow has been a prevalent colour from the very outset of my residency. One of the most poignant ‘rubbish conversations’ and objects I’ve photographed to date is this paint tin of ‘Oro Antico’ [Antique Gold] which is a mustard colour. […]
Well I knew I’d change my mind. Started the reworking by turning this into a portrait instead of landscape. That seemed to help emphasising the height of the cliffs. Then I put in some lines and drawing…. I always say […]
I am carrying on with my studio still-life studies. Originally I was going to take a no frills approach and keep it pure and simple. However as I look and as I work, I find it impossible to do so. […]
Endless Horizons & Ever-changing Skies: An Exploration of the Colour & Forms of the British Landscape
Armed with bundles of dried plants and bags of bugs from that serendipitous workshop on arriving in Mexico City, I hit the local market in Coatepec, where I was surprised how difficult something like achiote, that is used on an […]
A daily-ish blog of spontaneous, graphic effusions of unrestrained mark-making, plus one descriptive word. This will be accompanied by an occasional technique log.