Having finalised the construction method for House of Cards, I have been busy completing the proposed installation sequence for the exhibition organisers, and trying to finalise the budget. I found out that one of my grant applications was successful! […]
2 – 30 March 2015 Liz West’s new work Subjective Mixtures #1 created in situ for the Bloc Billboard on Jessop Street, Sheffield. West explores drawing as something not confined to two dimensions. During the creation of her work, whether making […]
I’m not sure how to think about this new element that has crept into my work – colour. Colour – this is a perfectly natural part of…no essential part of most artwork to some degree. For me I have avoided […]
A series of images investigating the subject matter of “Colour”.
The last week has been crazy! I haven’t even had a chance to blog! On Tuesday (27th Jan) I started installing my new site-specific chromatic light work Your Colour Perception at Castlefield Gallery’s New Art Spaces Federation House on it’s […]
As we all try and combat the January blues (again), I find it a useful pick-me-up to reflect on the previous year hoping that it will serve up some interesting revelation. 2014 was a productive year for me; I entered […]
I am delighted to have recently had several of my works published in the University of Texas at Dallas annual arts journal, Reunion: The Dallas Review. My work was chosen for the front and back cover as well as an […]
On one of my previous blog posts I spoke about how I have used materials from old work to make new work. This week I am still playing with the 6 LED Light Sheets sourced from my old work Repeated […]
I got back in the studio last week after a busy period including my Merz Barn residency and a number of exciting commissions. I started the week by dismantling an old piece of work in order to retrieve some custom-made […]
This blog shows my journey in painting and art.
Today’s mini-project revolved around the notion of how we remember surface colours and how our eyes respond to light. Batchelor writes about the way in which we see colours as the property of the object. Even in different lighting conditions; […]
Firstly focusing on the preface of Batchelors The Luminous and the Grey I found the initializing of the argument to be about how and why colour exists in the world around us. “It is not the presence of colour in […]
Saturday 26 July – Sunday 02 November 2014,
Phil Lambert, the illusion of colour and space no 1, 414x517mm, oil on wood, 2011.