UPCYCLE – from packaging to art
Great Pulteney Street Gallery -
February 19, 2025 -
March 01, 2025 -
Hi, I am a conceptual artist exploring the topics of ageing and mortality and wanted to connect with other creatives researching these. Could anyone please direct me:) My latest work focuses on the stigma and impact of dementia. www.nataliamillmanart.com Thanks!
An exercise of self-isolation and appropriation, Lowry reimagined in 2020.
It is said that it takes 66 days to establish a habit. Well, I am now well passed that point with the #BlackSquares365 project so I guess it has become habitual for me – a good habit I hope. It […]
I began writing this post a few weeks ago but was interrupted by having to cope with the worst cold I have ever had. I managed to keep doing my #BlackSquares365 piece every day, but this blog got put on […]
Here I am after 11 days of this project and I am running up against a problem. It’s not the problem of lack of discipline: with a history of success in two year-long serial art projects in the bag I’m […]
I am not intending to post every piece I make in the #BlackSquares365 project on this blog on a daily basis. I will reserve that for Twitter and Instagram. Eventually, I hope I will be able to document it all […]
Yesterday I launched a new personal project, #BlackSquares365. Each and every day for the next year I will create a small artwork from scratch and post it on Instagram and Twitter before the end of the day. Each piece is […]
Every day for 365 consecutive days I will make a new small artwork from scratch around the idea of Black Squares
I am currently transforming my studio – I’ve moved and painted the exterior blue, the interior has now been insulated, I’ve painted it white and building shelves and worktops. It is an equally big transformation for me psychologically as I […]
The opening module of my Fine Art MA is Critical Review, and we’ve done a number of exercises, building up from 100 to 1000 words. The second task was a 250 word review of Daniel Burden’s Beam Drop. I’m posting […]
Blogging through a concise period of work.
I’m my studio today finally going through all my project receipts, adding things up and reflecting on the 2 exhibitions I’ve just finished. The last month and a half have been taken up with finishing and installing the project I […]
I wish I could really enjoy this moment; to be able to have space in my head for absorbing all I know I learnt from this project. But right now my mind is somewhere else… Platform-Autumn is finally edited and […]
I like the look I’ve achieved with the Platform – Summer, not sure about the editing though but very happy with the colours and texture the digital pinhole has created. I think the longer version is definitely more interesting than […]
As I mentioned on my previous entry: … Platform-Spring has been a hard making process so far. I’m blending the images frame by frame and am allowing my daily insights to take over. The problem is that these insights change […]
I’ve just realised I wrote about Platform – Summer before adding the entry for Platform – Spring. So here it is. Lots of things have happened since my last post that prevented me from working hands on on the Spring […]
Shooting wasn’t easy. Making the “lens” for the digital pinhole wasn’t either. Figuring out how to do the exposure compensation throughout the day was hard. Changing angles to better show the people on the platform…all these things happened and I […]
I got ‘Just Kids’ by Patti Smith for my birthday and I started to read it on the train this week. I also used my birthday book tokens to get a big fat coffee table monster called ‘Sanctuary: British artists […]