How big is yours?
Karen Watson reports on a national studios forum
Karen Watson reports on a national studios forum
Research undertaken by Axis (formerly Visual Associations) reveals a lack of interest amongst black and minority artists in being labelled by cultural identity unless this is relevant to their work. Findings suggest that current diversity policies are counterproductive because artists […]
The first meeting of an Advisory group to steer Arts Council England's major review of the Presentation of Contemporary Visual Arts took place in April. The review intends to make the case for increasing funds for visual arts in the […]
Funded by Arts Council England, this research study in 2004 prefaced new resources from a-n to extend the Code of Practice and demonstrate good practice within artists’ fees and payments, for use by artists and public-sector employers and commissioners. For current sample rates go to Guidance on fees and day rates and for latest Paying artists research go to www.a-n.co.uk/tag/paying-artists
In 2004, a-n commissioned a team from University of Newcastle to undertake research into context, attitudes and approaches to paying artists for their skills and services.
Winners of the decibel visual arts awards, aimed at black and Asian artists, and curators, were announced in March.
Nisha Duggal reports from A Free State, the recent culmination of decibel, Arts Council England’s cultural diversity profiling initiative.
Published by Centre for Cultural Policy Studies at Warwick University in 2004. Examines theoretical and practical issues related to ‘decentralisation’ in cultural policy in England.
Critical debate and artists’ awards form part of the Decibel programme, running until May 2004. Arts Council England has allocated £5m to the Decibel initiative, designed to create a long-term impact on the profile and support of culturally diverse arts […]
Promoting cultural diversity has become a policy priority for arts organisations, yet it is rarely questioned or criticised. Does cultural diversity policy challenge discrimination and broaden the arts scene, or risk politicising the arts at the expense of equality and […]