Japan Festival – Leamington Spa 2022
The Royal Pump Rooms -
January 30, 2022 at 11:00 AM -
West Midlands
As predicted the making of artwork has been exceedingly slow and patchy over the last year, primarily because of my MRes studies but also of course impacted by this ongoing pandemic. Despite the issues we have all faced, I am […]
When we view things it is never a flat scene in front of us. We take for granted the layers of structures, nature and people, interweaving one behind the other, a constant change of positioning and shifting going on all […]
I’ve just read a very interesting article in the New York Times by Michael Pollan called Weeds Are Us. In a way, it develops the point I was making last week about having empathy for non-human species – namely, weeds. […]
Thursday 23 May This morning all the artists gather in the gallery, each looking for the ideal spot to put their work. I am drawn to the airy extension space which has a loose pebbly floor, horizontal beams and glass […]
Thoughts on art, literature and philosophy as they intercept my life and practice.
So a really interesting episode of thinking aloud, that tackles lots of issues around artists and the cultural industries and paying artists. Really relevant and worth a listen to. ‘Creativity – has it become the meaningless buzz word for our […]
The power of culture to address social challenges has emerged as a key theme at a Culture Summit involving Government officials from 45 countries. Arts Professional’s Christy Romer reports.
A new report backs several recommendations from #FreeMoveCreate campaign supporters on principles of what post-Brexit travel arrangement should include, such as the need for it to be simple and allow for short notice travel.
Woods to Where Else is a research project initiated by Stour Valley Creative Partnership to explore the ecological tension between nature and cultivation and to examine and question the identity of the woods as a purely natural and harmonious environment.
In February I received the A-N Travel Bursary to enable me to return to Mexico where I began the first stage of a new major body of work.
The Autonomous Artist is a dedicated blog detailing activities, thoughts and reflections about my time as 2017/18 Visual Artist Fellow on the Clore Leadership Programme. I will be exploring the role of the artist in arts leaderships and reflecting on independent, […]
As a neglected child, with a neglected history and heritage, my first question was: What does neglect look like? It becomes easier to remember when alone in the basement and without any contact to the outside world. There is also […]
To comprehend the subject of cultural sexual exploitation and visually decipher it’s many constructs; I started drawing, experimenting with ink, form, the age of the girl and her poise. In figures XXXVIII the girl is alone and younger. The spots […]
Culture My father used to say to me, “lucky your pretty with your Dyslexia, at least you can be a glamour model, no need for brains in that game”. It seemed evident very early on that I would be […]
This work attempts to expose and retell ‘her-story’ over-ruling the past and present cultural guidelines of what was important and upheld.
29 July to 6 August 2016 The Monmouthshire and District National Eisteddfod of Wales took place in Castle Meadows in Abergavenny featuring poetry, dance, song music, theatre, literature and art.
When creating the doll, I felt connected to the materials, such as the baby grow and the little booties. I stuffed the outfit with newspaper and armature to stabilise the form. When I held it, it felt empty to me. […]