ART // TECH // PLAY LIVE: Producing work for children
Stage Two, Norwich Theatre -
September 17, 2024 at 06:00 PM -
East England
The film is now getting out there to the public. It is showing as part of Fringe Arts Bath festival 27th May until 12th June and will be screened at Tranås at the Fringe, a multi-disciplinary arts festival in Sweden […]
Wow .. has it really been that long since I posted? … I’ve been putting this off for some long while … but I have made progress. I’ve been focussed at least because I have reached a conclusion point with […]
The 2021 lockdown restrictions have thrown out my intended plan of work on my project. The photographic studio I found was closed, the sound recording was closed and I felt this project was so much about a human, a dancer, […]
My year of my mentoring bursary is over. I feel sad to move on from this. It has been a positive experience. Working with Rosalind Davis has been very valuable. Having someone to be accountable to, but who is not […]
Here are a few summarizing thoughts about that R & D and the piece’s future evolution: 1) This burgeoning piece feels like a physical return to basics. 2) There’s a connection with Mythology 3) One recurring theme is Re-Transformation 4) […]
Here’s Week 8: It was the last week of this R&D process. And I approached the rehearsal with mixed feelings. There was excitement. There was a bit of sadness. There was a lot of frustration. And there was some relief […]
Here’s week 7: It was my first week back into the studio after the Xmas break. I was feeling so tired and drained that it felt almost impossible to do anything while being in the studio. My mind was still […]
Here’s week 6: The little interruption I had the previous week proved to be quite beneficial. I approached that studio session with some clarity and more confidence about where the piece is heading. In the morning, I took some time […]
Here is Week 5: Change of gear in the process. I took a break from the template I’ve been using since the first studio session and decided instead to revisit certain improvisation moments from the previous rehearsals that still resonated until […]
This is a short improvisation on the music of Susanne Sundford. I was halfway through the R&D process for this new Solo (H.F.). I had just entered the Studio at Centre 151 and felt in the very introspective mood having […]
Here’s Week 4: I entered the studio with some doubts but still willing to dive deeper into this new territory. I focused on my upper body’ movement and its constant swinging motion. It became a more and more internal process. […]
Here’s Week 3 I started to move towards an unknown territory. Played with gestures, my hands and knees while asking myself more questions about the process, the ecstactic feeling I got from moving, the fine line between authentic movement […]
Here’s Week 2: “Still obsessed with “32”, the number, the questions I’m asking myself about the piece, its potential meaning, its potential direction (s). With it, I also thought about Marlene Dietrich, Barbara, the concept of Anamorphosis while spending […]
Here’s Week 1: “Obsessed with “32”, the number, the hours, its translation in a day, their meaning in duration and Susanne Sundford” ? (#dance #performance #solo #creation #improvisation #danse #danza #tanz #rehearsal #freestyle #movement #art #arte #creativeprocess #videodiary #visualjournal #susannesundford #tonnya #french #eucitizen #londoner #danceartist)
I started this visual diary at the end of February, as part of the creative process for a new Solo performance piece. The aim of this visual diary was to reflect on that short but intense period and to share some aspects of the process as it has flourished.
In my previous film works I have primarily photographed objects, textures and landscape. A year ago I acquired a remote timer for my camera for the purposes of creating a rough and ready time-lapse film of an installation of some […]