Documenta 2017 bursary - a-n The Artists Information Company

Blog Artist

Documenta 14

Much of what I saw and experienced in Kassel felt like stunted conversations: vital and resonating but confined to an arena of controlled experience – whether through overcrowded gallery spaces, the rigorous time planning that was needed to catch the […]

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Blog Artist

Documenta 14: Channel hopping

Chewed things over. A bits-and pieces overview, tastes. Thoughts in note form. Things that have stuck there since seen.

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On the tools; Documenta14

a-n Documenta14 bursary awardee Mat Do talks about his experiences of the Kassel portion of Documenta14

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Documenta 2017: across cultures

I spent two full days at this year’s Documenta as part of the AN bursary scheme. Amongst the grand set pieces in the main venues I found some of the “quieter” artworks in side rooms to be equally if not […]

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