Some Painted Stuffs
Here’s a small collection of some paintings I’ve done over the years. Mostly using acrylic with some oils thrown in there. Enjoy!
Here’s a small collection of some paintings I’ve done over the years. Mostly using acrylic with some oils thrown in there. Enjoy!
Howdy all! Just starting off with this piece and giving a big hello to this artistic world. Feel free to get in touch to say hello, discuss commissions or what have ya. Will be adding more stuffs as I go. […]
Weaving with willow is like speaking another language. The timing and emphasis is one of its own, you cannot help but become involved in the process of growing, cutting, storing, soaking then selecting and weaving. It feels different to anything […]
This blog will chart my adventure as I navigate some of the oldest construction techniques ever used. City Lit run a two year course of basketry skills and I am on it.
I wanted to explore making drawings using tarnish from metal objects. Silverpoint drawings have a beautiful, delicate quality to them, and also cannot be erased in the same way pencil can. I decided to experiment with making basic marks onto […]
There is a discontinuity between me as spectator-traveller and the space of the landscape I journey through that stops me seeing sites as places or from being fully present in them, even when I try tactics to bridge the gap. […]
I’m interested in how my project investigating the experience of the train journey from Marden to London could be interpreted if I read it from Marc Augé’s perspectives on non-places: For Augé, our modern-day environment has undergone such drastic changes […]
I’m interested in how my project investigating the experience of the train journey from Marden to London could be interpreted if I read it from the perspective of Marc Augé’s Non-Places: An Introduction to Supermodernity. Here’s what he says about […]
Tactics: take 30 seconds of film either side of the still. Play it at normal speed, freezing it every 1 second to draw the skyline. I don’t like the mark-making in this – too controlled – lacks expression More […]
Similar tactics as before: use a new still shot, take 30 seconds of film either side of it, play this at 25% speed and draw the results. Repeat this four times, quickly, one after the other. These are the results: […]
The third drawing in this set of experiments: Bought new pens – Staedtler Permanent Lumocolor fine and superfine refillable nibs – and used the fine one for this drawing. Summary This feels like a step forward Pen thickness ideal – […]
Here’s my second attempt at a drawing: I bought a selection of new pens – Artline 70, Artline 700, Staedtler Permanent Lumocolor pen (medium) and a pencil – and eventually settled on the Staedtler as the most appropriate thickness for […]
My survey film has a still shot where a man-made structure is fixed in focus against a speed-blurred, haunted background. Inspired by Rachel Lowe’s ‘A letter to an unknown person n.05’, I cut 30 seconds of footage either side of […]
I draw is a slippery term. In isolation it’s imprecise and needs context to confer meaning. It could be about air, attention, carriage, comparison, conclusion, curtains, game, gas, lots, liquid, money, move, picture, pull, reaction, smoke, talk, or weapons. It […]