Every now and then the generous people at Martyr’s Gallery in Lewes offer an opportunity for an artist to take over their space for one of those very special, no-expectations, no-strings-attached developmental residencies. Their version of this amazing gift is […]
A textural exploration of London’s flora and fauna.
Very pleased to have had this comment on Twitter about this chemo day drawing: I am a huge fan of @ClareGSmith‘s work – and this is drawing at its most direct
I’m very much looking forward to occupying the space at Martyrs Gallery in Lewes as artist in residence from 28 May to 12 June. I’m planning on building on work developed during my recent Once In A Universe project and most recently […]
If envy were a fever all the world would be ill. Danish proverb A while ago I noticed a change in my drawings. The mark-making was becoming more noticeable, strident even, and I began to feel slightly out of control, so […]
This time it was Greg’s turn to “pick a tree” and he wanted to explore the relationship between trees growing near each other. The weather was terrible but we braved the rain and incorporated it into the work, though did […]
Nos 10 and 11. I’ve had a great comment on these from an artist I respect: I seldom see work on paper that has the immediacy of what you’re doing now. Feel quite pleased about that!
Well being stuck in A&E for a day was no fun but here we go – a few more black and white brush drawings for the 100 day project (only on day 9). I’m calling this series Beachtime Stories, whether […]
Tracey Emin’s show at White Cube was inspiring especially the large gestural brush drawings in acrylic paint on canvas, sometimes unprimed.
This blog considers the act and the media of Drawing in both the organisational methodology and the essential instinctive gestural aspect of Making.
One of my main aims for this year has been to find opportunities to continue to work on a larger scale – to make things that are bigger than me – but at the same time my mind is full […]
I have been going through some of my mono prints and realise that they are not quite enough on their own, so I have been working over them, which I also realise is what a lot of printmakers do… While […]
Starting a new series of prints at InkSpot today….using the haw and some figures scanned from etchings. Figures amongst trees, or in sheltered areas of the landscape have been a thread in my practice from the very beginning. A more […]
There are lots of 100 day projects floating about but this is the one I’m going with (pure chance) https://www.the100dayproject.org Not sure why I need another project but I was thinking I had so many photos that I could use as […]
Notebooks and ideas gathering on the studio table
The wind drawings are part of the on-going Mourning Stone Project https://www.a-n.co.uk/blogs/the-mourning-stone-project/ and a collaborative drawing research project Touching The World Lightly http://blogs.brighton.ac.uk/ttwl/ they began on a windy holiday in 2013 and re appeared in the Mourning Stone project in a different guise.
Chalk dust figures have begun to creep in amongst the stains and trees, gathering on the ideas shelf….it seems natural for them to reappear, and I am glad to see them.
Emily Jolley, Tania Rutland, Jenny Staff, Anna Twinam-Cauchi and myself are working towards an exhibition at Worthing Museum and Gallery in June 2019. Our focus is Cissbury Ring and I have been up there walking, idling amongst the Gorse, picking […]