I have a history with black squares and with lines – hand drawn but not ruled, sometimes less straight than I could easily make them – and with photos of lines. I don’t have a history with clips of nails, […]
Narberth Museum in Pembrokeshire will host an exciting workshop with Kate Walters looking at Celtic Mysticism and the Mabinogion. Insights into the ways that Kate uses her Shamanic knowledge to inform her art.
Recently this blog has gone from being a once-a-week posting to once a month. Its been hard to find time to write, as I’ve been juggling my job with looking after a small person and a big one, as theres been […]
Just in case anyone is actually following my progress on this little 50 Collages Before Christmas project, I want to assure you that all is going fine. I have been steadily working on multiple pieces a the same time but […]
The quality of photographs for this project is mostly pretty poor and Mixing It With Maurice In The Morning, 23/50 Collages Before Christmas, is one of the worst. I haven’t got the time – or at present with collages in […]
Apart from two pieces cut from a catalogue, the materials of this are my drawing and painting on to various materials – either recycling other work that didn’t work or made especially for collage. The title for 22/50 Collages Before […]
A thought crossed my mind earlier, my work trades a lot with repetition, I routinely spend endless hours in a state of concentration repeating a form over and over again. These small, simple forms interact with one another and develop […]
It’s been a year since my daughter was born; that, and the building project we embarked on at the start of the year, have been swallowers of time. As a prelude to starting back in the studio in the new […]
Good evening, I am looking for some advice please: I have been using coloured fine liners for some time now and have begun to feel the restrictions of using these colours whilst trying to develop ideas and keeping the quality […]
After talking to a friend about my artwork the conversation turned to problems within his private life. Perhaps building from the mild philosophical base of art it lead me to start thinking about what my drawings mean to me and […]
Another direction and style for number 21, Making Up For Lost Time, using mostly my photography plus a bit of created acrylic texture complimented by found graphic material. Yes the bees are mine too!
Untitled, Gillian Lock-Bowen, 2016, 182.88 cm x 121.92 cm x 30.48 cm The images above demonstrate developments in a series of drawings based on an idea I was processing about substructures in my abstract paintings. While these underlying structures are […]
I had a meeting with Prudence Maltby and Susan Francis the other two founder members of Cicatrix. Toby Smith, the director of the Salisbury International Arts Festival has been approached about showing Catherine Farish’s Stonehenge series of prints in the 2017 […]
It may have seemed a little quiet on this blog – but there is lots of post residency work in progress. The first 8 minutes of a film is available on Vimeo here. I’m trying to make it about the experience of […]
The title of this piece, “Two Blacks Don’t Make A White”, apart from it’s playful aspect, is purely descriptive. It is not so noticable in this reproduction, but the upper and lower forms are subtly different blacks. The upper shape […]
I wasn’t sure where this one (18/50 Collages Before Christmas) was going for a while and the photograph of one of my erasure drawings in progress kept prompting me to erase or redact it all! Nevertheless I kept pretty much […]
Sometimes There’s Very Little Point and sometimes you just have to be bold and slosh paint on expensive, fine handmade paper and then cut it up and splosh paste all over it, risking tearing it, and stick it on something […]
Here’s what happens when the first idea doesn’t work. In most cases when I start a piece of work I have a pretty good idea of what I want to achieve and how the finished piece will look. Sure there […]
I wonder if my love for simple, minimal and uncluttered artwork is as much a message to self that it is time to tidy up my life as it is a symptom of my time spent in graphic design or […]
So, it has been almost a couple of months since my last post – a shocking lapse in blog related productivity. However, it has not been because of my natural inclination to procrastinate about even making a cup of tea […]
I am getting confused. I know I published a post on this piece last night but it seems to have disappeared. Like the post on number 10 it will probably reappear and I will have a duplicate! There always comes […]
I have been busy with making more work and also jobs in the garden so I have been slacking when it comes to posting what I have done on this blog and my site. Number 10, Didn’t We Believe We Were […]