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Blog Post

Gallery Watching – mid way

I’m now into the seventh month of my Gallery Watching project and I am so excited by the possiblities it has opened up for my drawing and for my practice as a whole. And the conversations I have with the […]

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Blog Post

Gallery Watching

My Gallery Watching project at Ruthin Craft Centre and Oriel Davies, Newtown is now at its halfway point. To read how it has been progressing do visit my Gallery Watching blog: https://gallerywatching.ellenbell.co.uk/  

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Blog Artist

Coal seam Residency, pembrokeshire South Wales.

This is a record of my research and activity during my four week residential period on a farm in Pembrokeshire, that sits on top of an expansive set of old coal mine workings. It follows my work as I explore the language of this land and my process of making.

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Blog Post

Gallery Watching blog

  I’ve begun a monthly blog sharing my experiences about doing the project on my own website – here is the link: https://gallerywatching.ellenbell.co.uk/  

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Blog Artist

Gallery Watching/Gwylio’r Gwylwr

A year-long Arts Council of Wales funded reportage drawing project in which I draw visitors to Ruthin Craft Centre and Oriel Davies as they engage with the art and the art spaces.

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Blog Post

Gallery Watching

My Gallery Watching live reportage-drawing project begins tomorrow Tuesday 20th September at Ruthin Craft Centre and then Wednesday 21 September at Oriel Davies Newtown. I’m both nervous and excited!

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