MODERN PANIC V presented by Guerilla Zoo
“a unique and powerful collection of surreal, controversial and provocative art.”
“a unique and powerful collection of surreal, controversial and provocative art.”
I bought an iPad. It is a thing of joy, an object of desire… I am loving it so far, I masochistically quite enjoy that period of learning when you get a new thing. I like finding out what it […]
V&A ban drawing in Turner exhibition
I very pleased to be involved in an upcoming micro residency / group show Residual Projects at South Square in Bradford this December/January. There are 7 artists doing 6 week-long residencies looking at the residual layers of creative spaces and […]
I feel as if I have had a rush of blood to my brain induced by looking at – and talking about – a lot of art in the last seven days. An art students dream really! Monday – drawing […]
Blindness2_210x297mm_pen on paper Korea
It was predictable really… A basic character flaw. Although I spent a whole day in the studio last week, with the explicit idea that I should sort materials and equipment for the coming couple of weeks when I wouldn’t be […]
If I’m honest I was a little disappointed with my paints. Actually more specifically I was disappointed with my paintings not the paints, they were never going to handle like paints bought in a shop. The pigment quality was inferior […]
(Post by Mike Kann 06/10/2014) While on holiday in Spain, we planned to do a little workshop where Bettina could show me her artistic process and invite me into it. In the lead up to this we discussed our ways […]
This latest work has grown out of my art that has essentially gone wrong. When tidying up my studio I came across a few medium sized blank canvases. In an ‘experimental, waste not, want not’ kind of mood, I spray […]
After a couple of months being away from art by working hard over summer to earn some money, as I’m sure most university students do. I wanted to immerse myself in art again so I decided to plan a trip […]
First day back after Stone Lithography Course at Edinburgh Printmakers
Organically grown research, composition of growing parts, decomposition of all relation. Empathy and respect
Thesis writing continues… The chapter and chapter sections are in place and have notes and references that are becoming sentences (or half sentences) that are becoming paragraphs, and are being moved around, expanded and deleted. I’ve not updated much about […]
“Myth simply displays the various and varying forms of existential field in all their profusion. It is only from the standpoint of detached, disinterested abstraction that a clear distinction between form and content can be drawn, making possible conceptual judgment. […]
‘Part’ exhibition of drawings at the Cupola Gallery, Sheffield
The 20th Jerwood Drawing Prize has been won by the artist Alison Carlier for a sound piece described as an ‘open-ended audio drawing’.
” All religions, nearly all philosophies, and even a part of science testyfy to the unwearying, heroic effort of mindkind desperately denying its contingency” Jacques Mondo
This book forms part of my long-term project ‘Waiting and Drawing’. This began life when I would spend many frustrating minutes waiting for the computer to load. Now that I have fancy Windows 7, I no […]