Feedback - a-n The Artists Information Company


On having our Art critiqued

I don’t want you to just ‘like’ my Instagram post. No, what I want, what I really, really want is that person who totally gets sucked into the work: who understands. I want a gold star from teacher and the […]

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QR Codes

Came across an old article on the ‘National Museum of Scotland’ using QR codes as a way of getting visitors to better access and engage with their collections. It got me thinking how I could somehow incorporate QR codes, especially […]

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Fruitful Meetings

It’s been quite a week! I feel I’ve made lots of progress although admittedly much of it has taken the form of scribbled notes, sketches and thoughts ripening into ideas in my head. It was good to touch base with […]

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R&D Show #1

My aim with this work was to make my Unknown Statue workshop & performance Makaton friendly which I feel was a success. I started with a relaxed performance of a maximum of 25 people and in the second session 75 […]

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speaking of feedback

like pebbles on a beach i reach for my experiences this week to gather them together to draw them all into one place.  i gather up the photos of buxton, the heat wave and the latest mens circle meeting. beginning in […]

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Digital Feedback

Been thinking about the digital world we live in. Every time I get on the train I look around and see practically every person engaging in some way with their phone: listening to music, playing games, checking email, some even […]

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Crits at Commercial Union House

Last night we had another round of crits, Paul Jex, Melanie Kyles and Nick Christie showed work, here is a little round up; Paul Jex is currently showing in the Project Space at Vane Gallery. His large scale posters pair […]

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Artist Critiques

Last night a few of us got together in Commercial Union House to have a look inside each others studios. Alannah Lamb, Nick Christie and myself shared our work – with Paul Jex, Helen McClafferty, Jennifer O’Neill and Melanie Kyles […]

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Festivities and Feedback

AUDIOBLOG please click here! I took all my new gear to the studio. Once alone, I took a deep breath, then started. I carefully took it all out of the boxes. I assembled the mic stand, figured out the pop […]

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Day 7 – Kurt Schwitters Merz Barn Residency

On the last day on my residency at the Merz Barn in Cumbia it was time to reflect on my thoughts over the duration of the week. As I mentioned in a previous post, I had stapled a huge sheet […]

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