Fees and Payments - Page 4 of 5 - a-n The Artists Information Company

How to save money
In these times of austerity, a-n Magazine has compiled a catalogue of money-saving ideas for freelancers that have been tried and tested by our readers.
Open debate
Led by the PITT artist-led space and Worcestershire Contemporary Artists in partnership with the main Worcester City Gallery, The Worcester Open 2010 Contemporary Art project is organised for artists by artists.

Difficult for artist parents?
“It’s hard for all working mums (and dads) to find a work/life balance isn’t it – what’s so different for artists?” This was a question posed recently by a friend over dinner. I’d been banging on about APT – Artist Parents Talking – specifically about APT’s current search for funding, without stopping to think that she might not understand the basic premise of the network.

Turning Point update
Launched in 2006,Turning Point is a national ten-year strategy for the visual arts. A network of regional Turning Point groups has since been emerging, each charged with “strengthening the visual arts infrastructure”.
Money matters
A selection of articles and other content dealing with artists’ income:
US artists workforce critical
Last year’s National Endowment study revealed the importance of artists in America’s cultural vitality and economic prosperity.

Making a living
Organised by Sophie Hope, co-facilitated with Veronica Restrepo and held at London
Employment status
Last month, as part of gathering evidence to support future art and design courses and government job creation programmes, we asked AIR members to respond to a survey about their employment status. As a result, we now have firm statistics to take back to HE and Government.

Canadian artists’ news
Having celebrated its fortieth birthday in 2008, CARFAC is keen to rebuild ties with the UK.
Artists fees
I’ve been asked to coordinate a public event that will rely on artists coming forward to develop their own projects.
Fees and payment debate
Avigail Ochert is correct in her observation that for the purposes of considering salaries artists pay scales should not be compared or equated with teachers’’.

Negotiating your practice
Selected texts on the approaches and strategies some artists have taken to define the environment for their individual practices. Featuring Pope and Guthrie, David Cotterrell, Graham Fagen, Gavin Wade, John Newling, Dominic Thomas, Sarah Cole and Rod McIntosh. Download pdf […]
Fees and payments
As a former teacher now working for the past five years as a gallery educator and also a freelance artist I have been interested to follow the a-n proposals on artists fees.
Paying artists
We are a local authority-run gallery who occasionally employ artists and other workers to do workshops with us on our premises.

Artists fees update
In order to ensure their fees keep track with their level of experience and the general rate of increases in costs of living and overheads, Septembers a good time for artists to review their approaches to budgeting and charging.
Fees update
Paul Matosics letter (June issue) raises important issues for all artists for whom operating professionally is vital.
Art work analysed
Artist’s jobs and opportunities 2003 – 2005

Art work analysed: 2003 – 2005
Accompanies the ‘Art work 1989 – 2003′ analysis of artists’ jobs and opportunities. Reviews the situation in 2005 and compares findings with those from 2003. Discusses the implications for artists in 2006 and beyond.

Artists’ fees and payments
A-n’s commissioned research into rates of pay.
Artists rates of pay
a-ns research in 2004 defined a good practice framework on fees and payments to artists, that is supported by Arts Council England. The following annual and day rates are suggested from 1 September 2006. Experience level Annual £ excluding overheads […]
Good exhibition practice
Encouraging a consistent attitude to quantifying the value of artists across the exhibition and gallery world.
Grants for the arts
Also under the microscope has been Arts Council Englands Grants for the arts programme. This has been dubbed in Annabel Jackson Associates evaluation of the 2003/04 scheme as a brave and radical initiative that has transformed grant making [but that […]
Good practice in paying artists
Aimed at public sector arts employers, commissioners, consultants and arts trainers, Good practice in paying artists addresses the context for fees and payments for artists’ residencies, workshops and community commissions.
Guidance for arts employers published
a-n’s Director of Programmes Susan Jones introduces Good practice in paying artists.