Artists’ rates of pay 1989-2004
Provides sample historical rates of pay for artists from a range of organisations and compares artists’ rates with those of arts managers.
Provides sample historical rates of pay for artists from a range of organisations and compares artists’ rates with those of arts managers.
Analysis of past and current situation for artists’ fees and payments, introducing some issues for artists, employers and policy-makers to consider in the future.
Artist’s jobs and opportunities 1989-2003
Lucy Kimbell explores the value of artists’ work.
Funded by Arts Council England, this research study in 2004 prefaced new resources from a-n to extend the Code of Practice and demonstrate good practice within artists’ fees and payments, for use by artists and public-sector employers and commissioners. For current sample rates go to Guidance on fees and day rates and for latest Paying artists research go to www.a-n.co.uk/tag/paying-artists
In 2004, a-n commissioned a team from University of Newcastle to undertake research into context, attitudes and approaches to paying artists for their skills and services.