Project update
It’s been over two years since I collaborated with archaeologist Keir Strickland to undertake a research trip to the abandoned island of Swona, in August 2014. Swona is just over a mile long and half a mile wide and lies in the […]
It’s been over two years since I collaborated with archaeologist Keir Strickland to undertake a research trip to the abandoned island of Swona, in August 2014. Swona is just over a mile long and half a mile wide and lies in the […]
The a-n Travel Bursary has provided the vital opportunity to find the sixth and final artist for the visual art project “Cicatrix..the scar of a healed wound”. A WW1 centenary project that runs from 2014 till 2018.
For her current exhibition at De La Warr Pavilion in Bexhill-on-Sea, Fiona Banner ranges across graphic and font design in her continuing exploration of language and form. Dany Louise talks to her.
Twelve months ago I was very pleased to have been invited to Rabat by film maker Marouane Bahrar after meeting up with him whilst I was on holiday in Marrakech. Marouane is a friend of the artist Said Afifi who I was […]
As I continue my travels with my broken camera I have been looking for more images that contain text – billboards, advertisements and included here, weather-worn canvases covering some old fishing boats that have faded words and numbers. I like […]
I was staying in an apartment in the centre of Rabat that belongs to a Spanish architect and his friend Hanae Elyakoubi Hmimid is currently studying at the ISMAC: institut superieur des métiers de l’audovisuel et du cinéma. She asked […]
In the two short films I’ve made recently (In search of the unreal n.01 and n.02) the sections that interest me the most are the views seen through another train. They offer multiple perspectives simultaneously – the train I’m travelling […]
I’m reading Cormac McCarthy’s brilliant and very brutal Blood Meridian at the same time as I created this image from a light leak at the end of a 35mm film roll. The two seemed to fit together. The line “They […]
I’ve just realised I wrote about Platform – Summer before adding the entry for Platform – Spring. So here it is. Lots of things have happened since my last post that prevented me from working hands on on the Spring […]
Shooting wasn’t easy. Making the “lens” for the digital pinhole wasn’t either. Figuring out how to do the exposure compensation throughout the day was hard. Changing angles to better show the people on the platform…all these things happened and I […]
The last film I made caused me some frustration. The image kept pixelating, partially I think because I was filming from a moving base (the train) and because the editing software struggled with the data thrown at it. Due to […]
I make films that manipulate natural vision – they distort what the eye would see in some way. Evidently this desire to alter the view is common to expanded cinema and connects it to non-figurative painting. Focus, perspectives, colours, footage […]
In search of the unreal n.02, Digital film, 6 minutes 20 seconds long It’s strange; although I made this film it feels somewhat mysterious and unfathomable. It grabs my full attention each time I see it. Just for a short […]
The fifth edition of the Sheffield Fringe festival at Bloc Projects features work by more than 35 artists and questions the objectification of the ‘real’. Chris Sharratt finds out more from curator Minou Norouzi.