I have been fairly prolific in my studio this month, playing around with collage and watercolour on recycled cardboard. My current favourite method of transferring an image onto cardboard is using a gel medium and then once it is dry, […]
Delighted to be exhibiting with FLUX again! For the tenth edition celebration, held in the heart of London: 178 St James, Piccadilly (opposite the Royal Academy, next to Fortnum and Mason). The opening event is this evening. Tickets are sold […]
Very excited to return to The Design District with FLUX Exhibition tonight! Tickets for the Private View via Eventbrite
Fantastic to be exhibiting again with FLUX at The Design District, Greenwich Peninsula this June. I’m delighted to be able to introduce these four paintings, created this year as part of my display. Tickets for the Private View are available […]
Completed the painting ‘Reflect’, which will debut with FLUX at The Design District, Greenwich Peninsula from 17 June In the meantime, ‘A Splash of Colour’, joint exhibition with Helen Field continues at Bowery Visual Arts. Drop in to brighten your […]
Delighted to be showing again with FLUX this June at The Design District. In addition, my work features in the current issue of The FLUX Review magazine, now on sale.
Getting quite established with the painting this week, with a couple of visits to the studio. Adding more definition and depth: I’ve put together an animation as well over on YouTube Exhibition news: I’m excited to announce that my work will […]
A Reflection on my MA Fine Art end of year exhibition at Teesside University.
During the first day of scheduled ‘Projects and Demonstrations’ at SGCI, myself and artist Sarah Jane Lawton, based at East London Printmakers, presented our collaborative print project ‘Movement & Gestures’. Our printmaking intervention presented an opportunity for participants to make […]
Arriving in Portland, Oregon for the annual SGCI (Southern Graphics Council International) conference to beautiful sunshine and blue skies was unexpected, due to the city’s mostly reliable reputation of being amongst the most rainy places in the USA. Thanks to […]
It’s been a while since I wrote my last blog – December and January seemed to pass me by. It got me a thinking about 2015 and what I felt I learnt and achieved in respect to my art practice. […]
Why this, why bother? I remember during a tutorial at art college a while back, a ‘pure painter’ tutor uttering those rather cruel and devastating words…’why bother?’. I decided to take this as a deliberate and provocative stance to test […]
Cracking open the imagination Sometimes in our day to day wanderings, we might come across things that for whatever reason, capture our imagination and stick in our mind. It might remind us of something, humour or intrigue us in some […]
My 2 latest paintings have been exploring similar themes but in very different ways. ‘Discretion’ plays with the patterns I found in scrunched up newspaper which I juxtaposed with the close up detail of a lace fan. It is complicated […]
Tales of the pretty much expected….and sometimes not