Line & Form
Oriel Canfas, -
June 29, 2019 -
July 20, 2019 -
the last term on our course covered plaiting, none of us had realised just how much you can hate cutting up strips of bockingford paper into straight 1.5cm lengths but that is exactly how we started, so it could only […]
In response to Florence Peake (workshop with) 18 September 2017 Green Rooms Hotel
I’ll be spending three weeks as artist in residence in the Attic Studio at Stiwdio Maelor in Corris, North Wales. Having spent the last few months isolated from my practice this residency is an opportunity to research, engage and focus […]
Over the last week and a bit I haven’t done much art. There’s plenty I could be getting on with and whilst I am feeling somewhat tired from my current radiotherapy treatment it’s more to do with the fact I’m […]
To comprehend the subject of cultural sexual exploitation and visually decipher it’s many constructs; I started drawing, experimenting with ink, form, the age of the girl and her poise. In figures XXXVIII the girl is alone and younger. The spots […]
Exploring colour, form and painting techniques in figurative and abstract art.
This work attempts to expose and retell ‘her-story’ over-ruling the past and present cultural guidelines of what was important and upheld.
During the course of the last couple of weeks its been apparent that my work has become focused on the body as a subject and medium. The space felt fleshy and I began thinking about bodily fluids and what the […]
As part of Cardiff Contemporary this year me and Natalie Ramus were asked by CSAD to participate in ‘Cardiff’s Contemporaries’ where current and past students are exhibiting work at Morgan’s Arcade. On Saturday RAMUS|EVANS Collaborative which was formed in September […]
Something that kept sticking in my mind was nipples, it’s such a peculiar, comical word but is the correct word but when we think of the word nipple; does a female or male spring to mind? I’ve began casting my […]
Coming into this residency after such an intense year on the MFA I wanted to allow myself to revisit and re-evaluate my practice. The Cellar instantly reminded me of my previous work when I drew focus to serial killers and […]
Exchange run an art residency programme providing support for early career artists, focusing on development of practise, critical discussion and the exchange of ideas.
Follow my journey and experiences during my six week residency at The Finborough Arms.
Eva Hesse Documentary at the ICA The screening of Eva Hesse at the Institute of Contemporary Art, London was an in depth journey of understanding the life and work of the artist. She truly dedicated her short life to her […]
Figure XVII Figure XVIII Once I had used the clay sleeping baby for the purpose of taking a mould, I was going to discard the clay. However, there was something about the […]
I considered casting the form in a ‘womb-like’ material, or covering it. From this idea I sculpted, experimented, played with patterns and marks in clay and cast them in Latex. The outcomes were exciting, but I felt that they were […]
I am heavily interested in the notion of fragmented materials and the organic matter; this is an endless focus in my practice through my choice of materials. The second work for my MFA show is a 7 foot x 4 […]
It’s been a few weeks since I last updated my blog; it’s been a busy month to say the least but I’ve had some exciting news and fantastic opportunities. Most recently I was selected as a member of The Royal […]
What is my context? What is my position? These have been reoccurring questions and issues in relation to my work and how I contextualize my practice within contemporary art. I struggle to focus on what my concerns are with my […]
That physical touch and engagement that I have with materials is the driving force in my practice. This week I’ve been back in the studio playing. I started to think about how sculpture and painting coincide; and how I can […]
This past week has become very much focused on the what, how and why? What is my context? How can I achieve this? Why am I using the materials/objects in my work? I’ve been researching artists Martin Creed, Robert Morris, […]
The last few weeks have involved very little making but more reading and trying to form a basis and understanding of my practice. My interested lie in purely material and objects manipulation and defining space they coexist in. I began […]