Funding - Page 4 of 6 - a-n The Artists Information Company

Blog Post

On not waiting

My Lost Library project started off as a wee idea – I wanted text to become movement.  I have tried figuring out where my project could fit into art council wales funding and persevered longer than I ever had before […]

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Funding Cash Dollar

<post by Joseph> A short supplementary post to say that we exceeded our funding target last week on indiegogo, so a BIG THANK YOU to all of you who have contributed. If you’re thinking, damn I missed the deadline, you […]

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Carrying on

Thank you a-n for focusing on my work over on the your Instagram account this week .  Its really given me a high :-) I feel like I should be writing a really interesting post just now as I’m getting so much […]

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Blog Post

It all went a bit quiet then…

AUDIOBLOG – Please click here And so it becomes obvious why my blog has been a little quiet. There wasn’t much going on that didn’t have something to do with the search for a studio, or the application for the […]

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Professional, Transparent and Evangelical

AUDIOBLOG – Please click here BEWARE… ranting, sweeping statements and controversial opinions lurk in the text below: My involvement in arts education as a (sometimes loosely defined) teacher has taken a sort of scatter gun approach, but has taken in […]

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Funding & Grants for Artists

Is anyone aware of grants/funding available for individual artists? There are a wide range of funding opportunities on offer, from numerous private and publicly financed organisations, with amounts varying from a few hundred pounds to over £100k, providing you are […]

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The Emperor’s New Clothes

Before I start this blog I would like to ask everyone to give a silent thought to all those innocent children, women and men in Syria being killed and maimed by British bombs; to those who have recently been flooded […]

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1 Day Research Residency

To learn more about artist residencies I went to London for a research trip and visited Gasworks and Shape Arts. I had tried to make an appointment with Gasworks although with the building only just re-opening this month after a […]

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Don’t say the ‘r’ word

This week I have been firming up dates and plans for my artist parent residency research event at Manchester Art Gallery in November. I wanted to use a space that can accommodate everyone with activities for the children and adults […]

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The Golden Age has gone

This past week has been about listening and taking snapshots of residencies popping up on social media. A good listen was Susan Jones lecture about artists pay since the 90s up until today and it seems that back then it […]

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2-Day Conversation – New Bridge Project – Art?

Last Friday I attended the second day of the ‘2-Day Conversation’ organised by the New Bridge Project in Newcastle for their 5th anniversary. (For those who do not know about this organisation it is an artist hub created by two […]

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The Studio residencies and the community

We had our studio meeting last night so that Brigitte (who owns the space) could update us with the outcome of the Arts Council funding application. Of course, we already knew the outcome (we were successful) but we needed to […]

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Its Official

Finally after part self-funding a research trip to Finland, developing the idea over the past 18 months and a second attempt of applying to Arts Council England my project has been funded. I have to start by giving my thanks […]

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CCI professional practice fund grant

I have not written here for some time; which is not really good enough I know. An awful lot has been happening and so I aim to write a series of posts updating you all; but I wanted to start […]

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gravity glue and the future

is there such a thing as grvity glue holding everything together for us and helping the future to be what the future will be? starting with a question gives me somewhere to begin and hopefully go some way to get […]

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The Visitation – Part 2

AUDIOBLOG -Please click here Real art world living, as opposed to do what you want art world living, or art school living… If I was still in an educational establishment I would be working towards a resolution of some sort […]

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Blog Post

To do with funding…

Someone asked me or maybe they told me, I can’t now quite remember how it was phrased… “Funding makes you lazy” First off, that made me a bit cross…. Anyone who has completed an ACE application form, successfully or otherwise […]

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