Six months on from the ‘Ladders for development’ report, Dany Louise revisits ladders organisations and reports on how they fared after the first round of coalition government cuts in 2011.
Jack Hutchinson reports from the awards ceremony of the Paul Hamlyn Foundation Awards.
I have been reading some interesting comments recently in your magazine about the issue of artists when they leave education and enter employment. I feel I would like to comment on this issue. As an arts graduate I am now […]
Part of a Culture 2020 project intended to assist arts organisations to engage with donors. Updated findings April 2010 – June 2011 by consultancy Arts Quarter.
Case study paper discussing the likely impact on the visual arts of Arts Council England’s decisions to remove funding from fifteen visual arts organisations unsuccessful in their NPO application.
Following the successes of the Go and See Bursaries offered since 2004, NAN is piloting Futurific! – three new awards up to £800 designed especially to support the sustainability and resilience of artists’ groups and networks in the UK.
“The artist has always occupied a privileged but fragile position in the public eye. For centuries, we have looked to artists across all disciplines to inspire and entertain us, to help us explore the limits of human nature and human possibilities, [and] at times to lead debate and forment revolution.”
Formal research report to DCMS recommending using Treasury accepted economic tools as basis for measuring cultural value.
Legacy 10 publication in support of Coalition Government encouragement of private funding of the arts, coinciding with changes to Inheritance Tax.
Arts Council heavily criticised and arts community accused of ‘scaremongering’ during heated inquiry into funding of arts and heritage by the Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee.
a-n The Artists Information Company submission to government committee enquiry, examining funding of the arts and heritage.
Commissioned by ACE, the Tom Fleming Creative Consultancy researched how well the Grants for the Arts programme was meeting its stated objectives in 2010.
The latest in a long line of organisational restructuring at Arts Council England is designed both to save overheads and restore the council’s credibility within the sector and politically.
It is with some regret that we have to inform a-n that owing to the credit crunch our income recently has been so low that we are not able to make any awards to artists this year. Nor is it clear whether we will be able to fund awards next year.
Being accidentally locked in an anteroom at the European Commission in Brussels with Edward De Bono was an apt way to begin to understand the European Year of Creativity and Innovation (EYCI). The reason the renowned De Bono was in […]
From 2009, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation is changing its funding strategy to support innovative ideas and unusual partnerships across its cultural, educational and social interests. Open to application, the new Innovation Programme aims to support fewer organisations with larger amounts of […]
Visual Arts and Galleries response to the Arts Council proposal to institute peer reviews and self assessment.
Are you thinking of applying for a grant or award? Over £2.3m was openly offered in these categories through a-ns Jobs and opportunities last year. As its a highly competitive activity, weve compiled this guide to making applications, including some top tips from a range of experienced artists, curators, and arts professionals…
DCMS commissioned review of the system of public sector funding for the arts and how it can encourage excellence, risk-taking and innovation. Examines how artistic excellence can encourage wider and deeper engagement with the arts by audiences.
Summary of process, discussion and conclusions of Arts Council England’s Arts Debate programme from 2006.
Arts Council Englands announcement on 26 September of its new Chief Executive, Alan Davey, was met with mixed feelings in the arts world.
Artists and artists support agencies have benefited from recent Arts Council England funding rounds.
The government has recently withdrawn a substantial amount of funding from Arts Council England to pay for the 2012 Olympic Games.
The announcement by Northern Irelands Review of Public Administration (RPA) last November avoided offering specific proposals for cultural funding but suggested that responsibility for the arts will ultimately be handed over to local authorities.
Stephen Foster, director of John Hansard Gallery, critiques the leadership role and explains how project funding leads to a loss of distinctiveness in the nations’ public galleries.