ELEMENTS 2023 Pop-up Exhibition – Arch 182, Shepherds Bush Market
Arch 182 -
September 22, 2023 -
September 26, 2023 -
The sculptures omit sounds, rich in harmonics and musical intervals. Listening to the sounds produces a response in the brain’s neuro oscillation. The sounds slow the rhythmic activity down from gamma to alpha, benefiting you by relaxing the nervous system. […]
You’re cordially invited to the opening of my new studio and the soft launch of my ACE project Nothing ‘is’ Immediate. I built the studio with the help of artist Peter McGinnis during Lockdown, creating a resourceful space to complete […]
Exciting news in January 2020 to hear that I was awarded an Arts Council England Project Grant to present: No Thing is Immediate Geometric Sculptural Installations throughout 2020. The project is intended for people with neurodivergent disabilities including dyslexia, autism […]
Blog about a series of new work I am creating exploring the five Platonic solids through sculpture and associated therapeutic sounds, creating sound installations designed for welbeing and holistic engagement.
Tog-Figurn (Day-Figures, 1930) Debora Vogel was born on the 4th of January. And to mark this day here is a short piece referring to her Top-Figurn poetry collection, an example of literary Cubism with its characteristic play of contours, colours […]
I will be starting my new Residency in Rock House Art School on Monday 27 April. I will be the first artist in residence in this new place. I am looking forward to continuing and developing the ideas from working […]
OPEN AFTERNOON IN THE CHURCH The afternoon went well. 15 people came to each of the Readings on Silence sessions and other people visited between times. As promised I will list the four books from which I read extracts: The […]