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News News feature

Documenta 14, Kassel: 30 recommendations from 10 artists

After launching for the first time in Athens in April, the quinquennial art exhibition Documenta 14 has just opened across 35 venues and numerous outdoor sites in its home city of Kassel, Germany. Ten a-n artist members, who visited Kassel with the support of an a-n Travel bursary, pick their top three works from the vast city-wide programme.

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News News feature

A Q&A with… Rachel Maclean, Scotland + Venice artist

For her Venice Biennale film, Spite Your Face, Scottish artist Rachel Maclean has created a re-working of the Pinnocchio story that explores power, political lies and the rise of populism. Moira Jeffrey talks to her about the themes and form of the work.

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News News story

Venice 2017 review: Britain at the Biennale – from Phyllida’s folly to the Diaspora Pavilion

The UK’s presence at this year’s Venice Biennale is particularly strong, with Phyllida Barlow’s sculptures at the British Pavilion, Rachel Maclean’s new film for Scotland + Venice, James Richards’ sound and film work representing Wales, and the new Diaspora Pavilion reflecting the diverse cultural backgrounds of UK-based artists. Moira Jeffrey reports.

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News News story

Venice 2017 preview: Ten must-see national pavilions

This year’s Venice Biennale features 85 national pavilions including four countries exhibiting for the first time. As the three-day preview begins prior to the biennale’s public opening on Saturday, Pippa Koszerek highlights 10 national pavilions that you really shouldn’t miss.

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