International - Page 21 of 29 - a-n The Artists Information Company

Akeel Khreef 1
News News feature

Iraq in Venice: “This really is opening up the Iraqi art world”

For only the second time, Iraq has a national representation at the Venice Biennale. Curated by Ikon Gallery Director Jonathan Watkins, what sets it apart from the 2011 pavilion is that all the artists featured still live and work in the country. S Mark Gubb takes a look at the work on show and finds out how you pull off an exhibition from a country that has no curators, and of which curators on the outside know nothing about.

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News News story

Venice review: The Encyclopedic Palace at Arsenale and Giardini

S Mark Gubb, one of 23 artists who received a Venice Go and see bursary from a-n to visit the Biennale during the preview period, reviews The Encyclopedic Palace exhibition at the Arsenale and Giardini – and pops his head in at a few national pavilions, including Jeremy Deller’s English Magic show.

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Le Paradis sur Terre 1
News News feature

Working internationally: no reputation without representation?

Working internationally is key to the development of many artists’ practice, but without gallery representation the hurdles are considerable. With the 55th Venice Biennale soon to open, we speak to three artists – including one showing in Venice – about the challenges of working abroad without a gallery, and also get the views of an independent curator.

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Stefanos Tsivopoulos
News News feature

Venice Biennale: a selective process

The Venice Biennale is the world’s biggest and most important international art event. But how do the exhibiting artists get chosen to represent their country at the national pavilions or collateral exhibitions and how does the process differ from one country to the next? We take a look and find that, although in differing forms, the open call is becoming increasingly popular.

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Open Discussion HomeShop
News News comment

Artist-led spaces: an open discussion in Beijing

Manchester-based artist Maurice Carlin recently co-organised a public discussion on artist-led spaces during his current residency at HomeShop, Beijing. He reports on how it went and the issues and solutions that were raised.

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Tracey Emin, I've got it all, 2000
News News story

How the economy made losers of us all

An ambitious new exhibition at Stills, Edinburgh, and CCA, Glasgow explores the state of Europe’s economy today and the profound changes that have impacted on us all since the banking crisis of 2008. We talk to curators Angela Dimitrakaki and Kirsten Lloyd about this landmark show.

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Caroline Monnet
News News story

WEYA is here

World Event Young Artists brings together 1,000 artists from 100 nations for a 10 day festival that opens in Nottingham today. We profile some of festival’s visual arts highlights.

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Resource Archive News archive

International relations

Supporting the international activities of artists and arts organisations is a key function for many national arts funding agencies. In order to investigate this area of arts policy and identify key issues affecting the programs and priorities of such agencies, the International Federation of Arts Councils and Culture Agencies (IFACCA) conducted a worldwide survey in English, French and Spanish, the results of which have been analysed and supplemented by other research and presented in a report.

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natural snow sculpture
Resource Profile

Stuart Mayes

Following a residency in Sweden, London-based artist and blogger Stuart Mayes relocated to Stockholm. Here, he talks to Andrew Bryant about this move, working intuitively and developing confidence in his practice.

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Resource Archive News archive

Campaign against border controls

Rules designed to prevent illegal immigration have denied entry to the UK by international artists and performers, a Manifesto Club report says.

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with Lokal_30 (Warsaw, Poland) at Supermarket, 2009.
Resource Profile


Pamela Wells and Alicja Rogalska report back from Supermarket – an artist-run international art fair in Stockholm. They talk about why their own artist association Laundry attended the event, meet representatives from a vibrant artist-run culture in Sweden and beyond, and offer a sample of some of the organisations who attended.

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