Power trip
Glasgow-based artist Ben Woodeson profiles the Canadian artist’s initiative, Contemporary Art Forum, Kitchener (CAFKA).
Glasgow-based artist Ben Woodeson profiles the Canadian artist’s initiative, Contemporary Art Forum, Kitchener (CAFKA).
Glass artist Jonathan Andersson discusses the benefits of breaking into the American art and craft fair circuit.
American artist Kurt Perschke reports with an account of his self-organised large inflatables ‘RedBall Project’ in Barcelona.
Simon Morrissey takes a look at what the Catalan capital has to offer artists.
Marc Rome gives an account of his participation in an international collaborative project on New York’s Staten Island.
Carolyn Genders shares her experience of European potters’ markets.
A three-year programme made up of five parts, the Water Project is taking place in London, Kyoto and Toyota between 2002-2005 and comprises exhibitions, seminars, community events and educational activities. The project commenced in August with the Through Flow seminars […]
Emilia Telese reports from the ‘screaming independent art scene’ in Tuscany.
Tom Burtonwood provides an overview of the artist-run scene in the Chicago.
Lorna Green reports on her participation in the Okanagan/Thompson International Sculpture Symposium in British Columbia, Canada.
Valerie Coffin Price reports from Est-Nord-Est, an artist-led centre in Quebec, Canada.
Neil Zakiewicz profiles the Triangle Arts Trust, celebrating its twentieth anniversary this year.
Louise Short explains the international networks behind the participation of UK artists in this month’s Melbourne Festival.
Simon Morrissey reports from the art scenes of two Baltic capital cities.
Every June Basel becomes the Mecca of the international art world. The vast ‘Art 33 Basel’ and the young art fair ‘Liste’ display the mechanisms of the international art market on a scale of no other event. Exhibiting at these events is a competitive affair, and brings exposure to some of the world’s most important collectors and curators. Beverley Hood reports.
Su Grierson and Diane Maclean report on their activities as co-organisers of Looklook.
Paulette Terry Brien reports from Ex-Teresa Arte Actual in Mexico City.
Julie Read gives an account of her experience on a residency in the Austrian capital.
Susan Miller gives an overview of her time spent in the Spanish capital as a result of a travel award from the Rootstein Hopkins Foundation.
Deirdre King profiles LA-based artists’ initiative Raid Projects and its international activities.
Every five years the provincial German town of Kassel, one hundred miles north of Frankfurt, hosts one of the biggest events in the art world calendar. Frederika Whitehead profiles ‘Documenta 11’ and picks some of her personal highlights.
Adrian Barron and Tim Davies report on their involvement in an international environmental art project in the rainforests of Belize.
Gaia Persico, whose work can be seen this month in ‘EASTinternational’ in Norwich, reveals how her working practice – truly international and portable in nature – has grown from her other occupation as a member of an airline cabin crew.
In January 2002, Sally Cartwright and six other designers were selected by the Birmingham and Solihull International Trade Team – working with Trade Partners UK and West Midland Arts – to exhibit work at the British Embassy in Brussels as part of a trial exporting sheme.
Erik Hagoort profiles the Amsterdam-based independent artists’ information agency – Trans Artists – the latest in our series of developing international partners.