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Life Drawing and Arts Practice Cycles

I came across a Drawing from my Mansfield College of Art Life Drawing Class ‘77 and realised its exactly the sort of artwork I want to return to, wacky?

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Life Drawings Inspired by Diebenkorn

The Diebenkorn-inspired life drawing session by the School of Painting, St Ives was simply delightful. Led by Gary Long, I learned about the 1960s San Francisco Bay Area figurative movement (who included Diebenkorn) and their style of life drawing. Gary Long taught me in a week-long […]

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Life Drawings inspired by the Pre-Raphaelites

A recent online life drawing from the School of Painting, St Ives focused on the style of the Pre-Raphaelite artists. Led by Hilary Jean Gibson, it was wonderful to learn and practice a few of the different poses and styles of this period. […]

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Life Drawings Inspired by Matisse

I tuned in to a life drawing session from the School of Painting, St Ives last weekend. The theme for this time was Matisse’s use of patterns to create space and form. Alice Mumford encouraged us to draw in ink, using a […]

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Life drawing in real life – covid restrictions

Hi – I have access to a large space where I can deliver life drawing sessions in real life allowing for social distancing. Is anyone else doing this yet & if you have you any tips for managing risk (beyond […]

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Another go at a self portrait and other stuff

I signed up for the London Drawing Group workshop on symbolic self portraits and did this I’m posting it not because it is a great piece of work but because the emphasis on tone took me right back to school […]

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Life Drawing

These are my favourite drawings from a recent life drawing session. They aren’t particularly accurate, i’ve elongated parts of the body and missed out a lot of features, such as the feet and facial features. Does this distortion make her less […]

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Falling In and Out of Love

AUDIOBLOG – Please click here For the last 15 years I have spent most Friday mornings life drawing. It has always been a discipline and exercise I love. But I’m not really getting anywhere with it, I’m not concentrating hard […]

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Some thoughts on Life Drawing

As I sit here suffering with a heavy cold I thought I’d share some sketchbook drawings and make a few comments about drawing.  I hope I’ll feel normal again in time for teaching Life Drawing on Wednesday morning.  I’m full […]

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