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little and often #1

my old gran had many amazing sayings and i found her words of some comfort at the beginning of the period we’ve got to know as lock down.  her advice of doing a little and often was how i got […]

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Blog Artist


digital research made possible by a grant from the arts council’s covid-19 emergency fund for individuals.

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over the course of my blogging here on the a-n platform i’ve recorded, reflected and reviewed about many topics, feelings and works. today i’m blogging from our family home, the washing machine revving up into a spin, woman’s hour is […]

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Blog Post

at 6.5 weeks…

so about 7 weeks ago i didn’t fully appreciate how all the rapid alterations to my life and social world  were affecting me – my response was to set up this blog –  a self proclaimed residency and for a […]

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So I freely admit, I seemed to have become a bit fixated on my rock for all those years. I had clung to it through thick and thin, couldn’t seem to get it out of my mind. It had become […]

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living in my head

the current lockdown is giving me a lot of time to live in my head. a statement now difficult to follow up, i ponder for a moment… the lockdown is giving me more time to be on my own than […]

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Blog Post


“Chemists have tried to imitate the chemical conditions of the young earth. They have put these simple substances in a flask (water, methane, ammonia, and hydrogen) and supplied a source of energy such as ultraviolet light or electric sparks. After a few weeks […]

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Blog Post

grief and linearity

i woken this morning to the realisation that i’m in the depressed portion of the grief curve – set up by the loss as a result of the response to fighting covid-19. all i could do at the time was […]

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Richard Dawkins in The Selfish Gene[1]  describes how he thinks life began on earth: “In the beginning was simplicity… Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection is satisfying because it shows us a way in which simplicity could change into […]

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3 weeks in

finally i get time to sit and reflect on the residency so far.  i say finally – there’s quite a vibe around the building, those here can be quite fiery so the days pass with their own uniqueness. as well […]

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Cont’d from last time: “Sadly my frog is definitely, permanently dead.” But maybe my rock is not dead – it just appears to have no life. Some years ago I visited artist Andy Holden’s exhibition, Laws of Motion in a […]

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settling into it

  sitting with many feelings set up by the current covid-19 lockdown.  one of them to do with the non linear project, one of them about what my need are as 2020 progresses and how might the  confinement and isolation […]

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Blog Post


A hazy blue stillness. Nothing moves. Until a sudden ripple disturbs the soupy water, stirs the suspended particles. Powerful legs propel the creature through the water and paddle madly as the alarmed frog attempts to secrete itself in a dark […]

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update 28.3.20

nearly at the end of the first week, been settling in and finding my way.  taking stock of the resources available and who might be up for some collaborating – there others here with me, all with their own focuses. […]

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Blog Artist


In the coronavirus age when, we learn, a virus is neither dead nor alive; when scientists can create and manipulate biological life, technology creates artificial life, and inanimate objects often appear to take on a life of their own, the question is, “What is Life”?

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john cooper crumble

“john cooper clark is on dessert island discs.” me: “no way !” immediately i had a dilemma – completing the clearing up or taking in what clarke had to say.  i worked it out and my life is better for […]

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at the front edge

we have a small gap in our curtains, i stare out beyond the chimney pots to big fluffy clouds illuminated by bright sunshine.  children and parents wander by as they return home from the school run.  i pause to consider […]

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additional research – reading(1)

alongside the practice based research, i’ve been attempting to broaden my understanding of the theoretical space i’m working in.     finding this book feels so right as one of the contributors is max schleser, who i know as the […]

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user interface and accessibility research

alongside the content creation, i’m also researching the user interface.  this is currently happening as two lines of research the main interface how might the work be made more accessible. the accessibility considerations involve me adding additional code to hack […]

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Blog Post

on site and content creation

new areas of the site are still being opened up through the completion of more scaffold runs.   recently i’ve been able to access the southern side of the sowter mill.   the scaffolding facilitates both work on the roof and the […]

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Blog Post

somewhere over the antipodean rainbow

random title and it feels a little random to be writing.  have been spending a lot of time in my head musing life the universe and everything and as already seen in many previous posts when i get this introverted […]

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on site

been on site today, really enjoyed myself – been a week since i was last on site – loads of new things to look at. from a bus ride over the derwent i could see how the italian mill’s front […]

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processing time + filming

since the recent arts and heritage meeting i have been processing what we learnt.  its been tricky doing this as alongside this commission i have other projects and commitments that need to be kept live and up to date. in […]

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