Ingredients: 40 minutes Mute Low Plinth Black and white stripy blazer Car boot items Sign Directions: Stand on plinth holding one item at a time, using arms and body to show the item, interacting through gesture and eye contact with […]
Five projects from a-n members, selected from a-n’s busy Events section and including exhibitions in Altrincham, Bakewell, Folkestone, and London.
“Queerness is not and can never be an identity. It is a current, or imperative. Moving through and between our bodies; it is an intersubjective process of becoming. We are more than our bodies. We are relations in time & space.” – B. Sebastian.
This year’s Compass Festival of live art features 18 events, many of which have walking at their heart as performers and participants infiltrate and interact with the city around them. Lydia Ashman finds out more from the festival’s director and some of the artists taking part.
How can I forget! Before attending St Martin’s in August I visited Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital in London. I took part in a wonderful workshop focusing on Art, Health and Wellbeing. When I visited, it was tightly packed during the life […]
A bit of performance embroidery
The Live Art Development Agency presents 20 artist-led projects around the UK for DIY 13, a professional development programme for and by artists. Lydia Ashman finds out more.
Whilst creating live art I hope to get a full sense of the space including: weather, sounds, time, changes, paths, colour, touch, scents and depict this through photography, film and 3D and 2D ‘drawings’. The project is about becoming familiar […]
The final trip to Spurn brought realisations of how you can get so distracted in the materiality of objects rather than fluidity of your surroundings. I found myself seeking out plastics in a place they really shouldn’t be, I wanted […]
To get a more qualitative view of the space I’ve only explored a mile of it, this image is secure in my mind and I feel as though I could map out the space through the art I created, in […]
Live print preparation (Photo: Skye Couzens) Lately I’ve been feeling on edge about the degree show, I don’t mean anxious, I mean literally thinking about the edge. Allow me to expand; both screens and prints have edges, edges which exist […]
The waves were roaring this day under a bright blue sky, to be able to create art here is a privilege, the space is art itself. The environment really is constantly changing, whenever I map out the space with art…it […]
As time passes so too does it seem to speed up. With the intense experience of the passing of time and the impending assessment, self declaration and judgement, the level of introspection also seems to deepen. I am so in […]
This art was made the day after spurn hosted a ‘Beach clean’ therefore the art is much more organically based as I use the existing land around me rather than synthetic waste. The lack of litter is brilliant for the […]
It has been a while since my last blog post. Mainly because I have been so wrapped up in my practise. There has been so much going on. Since my last blog entry. I spent some time developing staging for […]
London-based artist Marcia Farquhar recipient of inaugural £10,000 award for live art.
So I realise that I totally left this blog hanging a number of weeks ago. I got totally consumed by two things: a very short turnaround project that arrived suddenly that I could not resist, and the decline and death […]