Love - a-n The Artists Information Company

Chester Art Centre -
July 11, 2019 -
July 22, 2019 -
North West England

Songs for the Bereaved
I write songs to heal the soul and create a legacy
A Dialogue with Henry Miller
I first met Henry Miller in summer 2017; I was 23, ten years younger than Miller in Sexus, my reading of which being the first encounter. At this time my enthusiastic note-taking on the world was struggling to convince even […]
Love Tokens and Bad Pennies
unsettledgallery -
February 08, 2019 -
February 28, 2019 -
Final Stages
Finally, after a lot of work and a lot of sweat the animation is slowly coming together. Mainly due to the long time it takes to finish, but also to make it a lighter and more digestible piece for the viewer […]
Rabbit Girl
Rabbit Girl clings to her mother. Emotions are intrinsically intertwined. Separation is unthinkable, unbearable. Every day Rabbit Girl is changing and growing emotionally and physically until the metamorphosis slows down and she has a family of her own.
The last chunck of interviews
the last part of the interviewing process took place over a month ago. Below are the lovely people who agreed to take part.
Starting to interview
Started the interview process. Talked to Beverly, Amy and Caitlin. A cynicism in relation to the subject became apparent. Some women found it hard to express themselves on the subject and kept on apologising for it. Despite this, there were […]
Mothering as Art Practice
AUDIOBLOG – Please click here I spend quite a bit of my time talking to artist teachers, and artists with other jobs, about the connections between life and practice, and having to make time for the practice. There is the […]
Love in Spiritual Art
This is my latest painting, entitled ‘Love’ in my series of Spiritual Art for the Twenty First Century, its in acrylics on a chunky canvas. I believe love features in many religions. I first did a watercolour sketch, the pink […]
How To Do Proper Networking
AUDIOBLOG – Please click here Networking Events are bloody hard work if you ask me. I’ve been to a few, wandering about with a weirdly flavoured crisp in my hand and a glass of warm white vinegar… or perhaps a […]
Untitled blog post from "Twenty First Century Spiritual Art"
I have been trying to paint spiritual paintings for the twenty-first century. In the Bible it says ‘God is love’ (1 John 4:16) so painting love is another way of painting God. I chose what I thought was a trendy, […]

“A Dream Within a Dream…”
Fitzrovia Gallery -
April 05, 2016 -
April 16, 2016 -
Brighter, Lighter, Evoking a spirit to Never Give UP
Reflecting on the times I am having now, it is clear to see that what I do need to do is organise and manage my days better, much better. Asking for help is hard. Having a mental illness and asking […]
Framed by Frames 2
I have been looking at the concept of ‘frames’ recently. Not in the way that photographs or artworks are framed but rather more in the way that attention is drawn to a specific image or part of an image. Just […]
had an amazing time in florence, had a very short time to draw between seeing so much beautiful art, but here are some of my sketches
Pug painting
“what do you love about your community”
love. a starting point. what do you love about this community? sue hill. artist. creative director. i’m reflecting on the notes i made during the presentation given by sue hill at the big lunch extras […]

The Phenomenology of Love
Gabriel Fine Art -
March 06, 2015 -
March 21, 2015 -
I’m Obsessed with skyscrapers, their beautiful design and striking facade really wow me. I think just how amazing feats of engineering they are built to impress the people who see them and show off a countries wealth. For Christmas i […]