Source Material
Morley Gallery -
September 14, 2023 -
September 30, 2023 -
A long meandering conversation via zoom led to an interesting debate about sculpture and forms, about materiality and air, about straight taut grids and floppy flailing grilles. Plan includes starting this conversation via a blog and testing out ideas, experimenting […]
Having shown work at the same venue in 2014, Sharon Haward and Laura Porter hit a chord, stayed in touch and finding many common themes in their work are now putting together a new body of work to exhibit. This blog reflects the ongoing conversation between them.
For a while now, I have been unhappy with my materials. It has creeped up on me slowly, until the realisation, the fact, is clear. The man-made materials: wire and silk no longer embody what I wish to say through […]
Just what is it makes Makers HeadRoom so different, so appealing? Makers HeadRoom is an online group for makers in any medium and any genre. It’s not a club, it’s not exclusive and it doesn’t cost anything to join in. […]
Wednesday afternoon and a good deal of Thursday morning were spend wrestling with the seams of a particularly persistent shirt. It is one that I recently found in a box of various material, I am pretty sure that I bought […]
I sort of feel as if I should be making more effort to save the planet. I’ve been thinking about it in my work for quite a while – how to use more environmentally methods and materials – but actually there […]
3.30pm One of the things that I made a considered decision about during the Once In A Universe project was that I would embrace the use of the materials of the Anthropocene – silicone, plastics and batteries being the main […]
[Thursday] Tomorrow Klas and I have another look at a potential new studio. I really want, and need, to find somewhere to settle and get on with making. Without such a place it is all to easy for me to […]
Responding to: Rosalie Schweiker & Margherita Huntley ‘Teaching for People Who Prefer Not to Teach’ 22 May 2017 MayDay Rooms
Thinking about a new work for a group show, May 2018 … The show celebrates a significant anniversary of an independent gallery that I showed with in 2009. I like the idea of making something that references the piece that […]
This last week at Stiwdio Maelor will from a basis of collecting further surface castings in Corris; these will form a series of development and research for a new body of work. Since beginning this residency my work has developed […]
The works during this residency have developed into a ‘series’ based on Corris and has therefore become a site-specific development of a new body of work. I’ve began to investigate spatial relationships between the organic and industry; using casting processes […]
After a recent visit to Berlin, I had the opportunity to see works by Joseph Beuys Das Kapital Raum 1970 – 1977 at the Hamburger Bahnhof – Museum fur Gegenwart including his film and performance works as video documentation and […]
Eleven students of Art from West Kent college FdAD display final work from year two of their course. A broad range of ideas and themes are embodied by materials and techniques. From Louise Draper’s Trade(2017) ‘celebrating the geek-art subculture, to […]
It floats and drifts on Broadwater lake in an environment designed by Capability Brown it has been described as ‘majestic’ and like an ‘electron spinning around’… Wow! I am so pleased with this project and what I have learned so far, […]
this post is a roll together of images, arising questions and an exciting delivery of materials! …its a chaotic post because its holidays, the boys are home, my Dad is staying and we have tons to do. It has been […]
Next to my name and venue number in the guide it says (because that is what I wrote in my entry form): Installation and objects. I wonder if people have been intrigued or confused by that description. From chatting with […]
Hi everyone, I’d like to introduce you to the Make Art, Save Money Facebook group. The group’s been set up to share ideas and articles and ask questions related to saving money on art supplies and exhibitions, and cutting our overheads. Please […]
So now it’s time to sum up something of what I’ve done with my bursary. I have experimented with casting resin into blocks and worked with Meltdowns in Ramsgate to learn some of the technical stuff and done lots of […]
I’m posting this a bit late as Anna Townley visited my studio a couple of weeks back now. It’s really interesting to host two studio visits in a week; each person brings their own responses based on their own practices […]
Coming into this residency after such an intense year on the MFA I wanted to allow myself to revisit and re-evaluate my practice. The Cellar instantly reminded me of my previous work when I drew focus to serial killers and […]
Exchange run an art residency programme providing support for early career artists, focusing on development of practise, critical discussion and the exchange of ideas.
Follow my journey and experiences during my six week residency at The Finborough Arms.
AUDIOBLOG – Please click here For the last 15 years I have spent most Friday mornings life drawing. It has always been a discipline and exercise I love. But I’m not really getting anywhere with it, I’m not concentrating hard […]