New Contemporaries 2026
New Contemporaries are welcoming submissions from UK-based emerging or early career artists who are within the first 7 years of their professional practice.
New Contemporaries are welcoming submissions from UK-based emerging or early career artists who are within the first 7 years of their professional practice.
Coaching for artists, writers and creative professionals.
People often ask about the difference between coaching and mentoring. The definitions I use are: a COACH works with their clients by helping them identify and achieve their own goals (internal answers) a MENTOR shares their own experience so the […]
I think that I might be what you call ’an artist’s artist’. Other artists at the studio have really responded well to the two Rest (companion pieces), and not only artists but also a very well regarded known curator and […]
It feels as though I am caught in a bit of a vicious circle (or is that ’cycle’ – no matter). It is the start the of the funding application season here in Sweden: artists’ grants and awards as well […]
Changes to my 2020 bursary plans.
Writing the application for a two-year artist’s award – fantastic that such things exist here in Sweden – was a great process. Needless to say if I get it I will be over the moon. My proposal is for tailor-made […]
Reflection 2nd and 3rd Mentoring (I’m confused it might only be 2nd!)
a-n Mentoring Bursary 2019 has had me trace the many different routes I have made: never taking the short-cut but instead; always the scenic route towards building my identity as artist.
a-n’s former External Programmes and Partnerships Manager Hannah Pierce offers advice on the benefits to artists of mentoring and coaching, and highlights some of the differences between these two approaches to interaction and personal, professional development.
This collection bring together a number of resources relevant to artists who are seeking coaching or mentoring support at any stage in their career. These guides and profiles offer valuable information, insights and strategies on art practice from a range of […]
As part of our 2019 bursaries programme, a-n is offering one-to-one support to Artist and Arts Organiser members through a series of coaching sessions with a coach accredited by the a-n Visual Arts Coaching Course, or mentoring with one of our visual arts mentors.
As part of our commitment to supporting artists’ professional development, we are offering a-n members remote access to a series of mentoring sessions with our visual arts mentors. DEADLINE IS NOW PASSED.
Yesterday I went on my 4th Urban Rural Exchange walk with collaborator Karen Wood. In our last walk we followed the path of the canal from Kings Cross, and this time we started at Canary Wharf, before as Karen put […]
It was harder than I thought it might be to peel my fingers off the idea of ‘straightforward mentoring’. Disappointingly so. But I have learnt so much more (SO MUCH MORE) from these conversations. About how we might start things. […]
An extract from a conversation we had as a group, post Reading Room: meeting the universe halfway. We were trying to worry at what another version might look like that wound in more support. Practical and otherwise… H: I definitely thought […]
I applied to a-n in order to devise a programme of mentoring. Post-PhD completion I was feeling the need to gather myself and try to knot together the frayed ends that are perhaps frequently the result of too long spent […]
An account of my bursary activity
After my frustration with the stethoscope experiment mentioned in my last blog post, Ben suggested several other methods of sourcing sounds to consider. The first suggestion that I tested out was to hire a Doppler fetal monitor, which is a […]
Apple mic within a latex cover. I decided to cover the Apple mic (mentioned in previous blog post) with a finger cut from a latex glove, firstly to keep moisture out of the microphone and secondly to get rid of […]
My last mentoring session saw me arrive at a point where I knew that I wanted to move forward experimenting with making and collecting soundscapes using the body as a source. I had talked to Ben about how I would […]