Palimpsest Bodies X Beer Can Votives Workshop & Performance
The Horse Hospital -
November 21, 2024 -
December 12, 2024 -
Fig.1 Performance Art Model, Embryotic cell, (2023) My performance art model is inspired by a human cell. The circle emulates the membrane wall of the cell, its semi- permeable wall is autonomous and semi selective, the thin wall allows […]
I’m grateful for a garden. The cleaner air and the locked in cats mean the garden is full of birds. Chattering, arguing, fluttering, moving birds. It is this movement I’ve been capturing, in lines and brush strokes via a system […]
Here is Week 5: Change of gear in the process. I took a break from the template I’ve been using since the first studio session and decided instead to revisit certain improvisation moments from the previous rehearsals that still resonated until […]
This is a short improvisation on the music of Susanne Sundford. I was halfway through the R&D process for this new Solo (H.F.). I had just entered the Studio at Centre 151 and felt in the very introspective mood having […]
I then went from California to Ghana to learn the Kpanlogo Dance, of the Ga tribe in Accra. This dance is known to be “the dance of the youth,” and originated during the wake of Ghana’s Independence in 1957 as […]
I completed my Level 1 Tamalpa Training in movement based expressive arts therapy in March 2018 and continued to explore the Tamalpa Life Art Process through the development of a new body of work called Body Arcana. I applied for […]
Drawing with movement was our second session and we introduced it by looking at artists that use bodily movement to create drawings. A record of an artists physical action. Susan Morris’ ‘Plumbline drawing’, her flicks of graphite covered thread on […]
Katrina Brown received an a-n Artist Bursary 2019 to pursue research for ‘tilt-rhythm-back’, a series of dances and drawings which has seen her collaborate with specialists in sound art and choreographical structuring. Richard Taylor finds out more about her work.
The way I paint involves a ‘listening’ – a paying attention to the surface texture through touch and vision and being aware of my own reaction. Noticing what is thriving now in our immediate world – both plants and […]
In May 2018 I was invited to make a new work for Scaffold Gallery’s group exhibition There is No Such Thing as Boredom, at Paradise Works, Salford. The work was a response to the provocation in the title of […]
June was a really busy month. I had a solo show of my wind drawings at the Width of Circle gallery in Stourbridge. I exhibited six framed drawings plus two unframed and a sound work. The work was framed by […]
Study of foil placed on window- exploring it’s colour and reflections, studying the way in which it can be transformed as a material.
I am working on a project looking at how technology and big data is taking over human jobs. I am looking to interview Uber drivers, Deliver Riders and scan their phones and body as a primary source of research. Does […]
My show ‘Hard lines’ has finished.Twelve days passed in a blink. How to write about it? I’m very uneasy using some terms – spiritual is one; I cannot claim it, but it pokes at me. The irony of ‘Hard lines’ […]
Immersion. An illicit immersion in a pool I am not supposed to be in. I am struck by fear, of getting caught, of the deep end. It is entirely irrational but the best ones always are. I spend some time […]
It’s 3am and can’t sleep. Mind buzzing with ideas so got up to draw in case I forget on waking. Suddenly after nearly 3 years everything’s starting to make perfect sense. So much to do in just 4 weeks – […]
I’m currently working on a drawing piece. It’s drawing in the wider sense in that it uses photographic images from the environment around us. These images are a mixture of man and nature creating marks, lines and movement in different […]
Trying to focus my work into a sensible, acceptable, believable, academic Research Question on which to hang my current art practice, is an ongoing and largely frustrating task. I’ve dithered about with Landscape, Sense of Place, Time, space and movement, […]
The course I am attending at the Royal Drawing School in London is inspiring me each week with light-bulb moments. We were asked to draw with our left hand without looking at the paper and without taking the charcoal off […]
With hail forecast for the afternoon I managed to squeeze in an hour or so of filming late morning. It was a bit of a rush as I’d had a physio appointment in the morning for my neck! I’m glad […]
ACE funded project exploring air movement and making 2d work into 3d forms outdoors.
As I have only just started developing my studio practice, I am more in the stage of figuring out where I want me project to go. So I decided to experiment with another piece of work, now bare in mind […]
The Body Extended: Sculpture and Prosthetics is a fascinating exhibition at the Henry Moore Institute in Leeds. It’s my first visit to the institute and it’s well worth the trek from Norwich by train. The exhibition combined historical prosthetics with […]
Whilst recovering from my hip replacement I have spent the time building a website, considering my practice, talking to my mentor and applying for funding. I have been able to spend time actually reading other people’s blogs, articles and dang […]