Garden of Tales: Stories From Lithuania, Lithuanian Days in Scotland
Scottish Storytelling Centre -
October 23, 2019 at 03:30 PM -
An upcoming solo show exploring humanity’s ongoing fascination with myths – from ancient Greek legends to modern superheroes and ‘fake news’. Opening July 6 at 20-21 Visual Arts Centre. Supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England.
A major aim of my Contemporary Art Cross-stitch practice is to push the boundaries of what cross-stitch can be, and attempt to create new ways of working within the medium. I began to experiment with painting on cross-stitch fabric, originally […]
As in any of my practice, I hate the excuse that something can’t be done simply because I don’t have the right equipment or materials, or enough money etc. There are creative solutions to these problems if you look hard […]
Aida can be very unforgiving if you make a mistake while sewing. Where the needle passes through the fabric it enlarges the hole, and if the sewing is then unpicked, it leaves behind a trace of where it once was. […]
Delving into the story of a house on a lake
Narberth Museum in Pembrokeshire will host an exciting workshop with Kate Walters looking at Celtic Mysticism and the Mabinogion. Insights into the ways that Kate uses her Shamanic knowledge to inform her art.
I’ve booked in to a workshop with Kate after discovering her work on FB. I feel inspired to work with other artists who have similar interests, celtic mysticism, anam cara, and being in touch with one’s inner self. The journey inwards to the universe.
I’ve been looking a lot at the Warburg Institute Library in relation to my project, and in particular at the Iconographic database. The Warburg Institute is part of the University of London, and “exists principally to further the study of […]
I’ve been having a bit of a rant (I know! SO unlike me!) And my friend Nicki, mentioned in a previous post said I should blog it. I am no fool. I know she said this just to shut me […]
“Myth simply displays the various and varying forms of existential field in all their profusion. It is only from the standpoint of detached, disinterested abstraction that a clear distinction between form and content can be drawn, making possible conceptual judgment. […]
In this blog entry I wish to give informative details about my Arts Council funded project and to clarify the direction my research and thinking is going in so far. As a part of my research project I am doing […]
“On sustainability: it is a kind of discourse that implies a different kind of social relation. What I mean is, instead of doing philosophy, one is doing ecophilosophy, not in the environmentalist sense, but as the philosophy of a possible […]