networking - a-n The Artists Information Company

Blog Post

The politics of showing

  The untitled Adelante groups show (very discretely) opens today. No fanfare, no vernissage but an article in the county newspaper – I have to wait until Monday to read that at work … or should I buy a copy […]

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Resource Guide

Why artists move: a guide to relocating

In recent years many artists have moved from major conurbations to smaller towns or cities in the UK, with access to cheaper work space and accommodation, improved health and wellbeing, and the need for stronger community networks among the factors influencing their decision to relocate. In this guide, Dan Thompson explores the many and varied reasons why artists move to a new place.

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Resource Guide

Why artists move: top tips on relocating from artists, gallerists and tutors

Nine artists share their stories and advice on how to make the most of moving your home and practice to a new location. In this follow up to Dan Thompson’s guide to relocating, artists working across a range of practice areas discuss how they found new networks, refuelled their practice and sought out support mechanisms following a move.

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Blog Post

Matrix or mirror?

So farewell, penguin. Metaphors, having served their purpose, should not hang around, especially when another one is needed. My first campaign raised funds for my exhibition ‘Companion Pieces’ at no format Gallery, Deptford in 2018. In this short post I […]

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Blog Post


It’s not every week that you get to travel with a bunch of great, friendly, broad-thinking artists to see some fantastic international contemporary art in an extraordinary city, but that’s what happened to me last week when I visited the […]

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Blog Post

Northern Community Rail Conference

We were at the Northern Community Rail Conference at the Hilton Leeds on Monday promoting the project to the rail sector and potential future partners. The response to the project was really positive and we made a lot of great […]

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Blog Post

Art Tech Space meetups

Throughout the time of the research project, thanks to the bursary, I had been able to travel down to London many times to attend meet-ups and workshops; two of these occasions stand out as milestones, either by allowing me to […]

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Blog Post

Support structures: mentors and methodology

Come April, when the news of the bursary was doing the rounds on social media, it dawned on me; this might be a much bigger project than I intended to take on. I was pretty stunned by the prospect of, […]

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