i have to admit to having a habit of writing cryptically, writing around what i really am saying. i open thus because today is a day for honesty. today i have contacted an academic referee to let them know i […]
i have to admit to having a habit of writing cryptically, writing around what i really am saying. i open thus because today is a day for honesty. today i have contacted an academic referee to let them know i […]
my self awareness of how i struggle to express myself is growing. for example i wanted to share the below picture and when i went to look at it needed to crop to what you see because i didn’t want […]
today was another version of the my friends house reduction print chose coloured card new scheme of work. approached as play with set place to get to. how does this work as play? try to keep in the moment with […]
first time working with a gelli plate only had water based printing inks foraged some leaves from the garden assortment of paper. before began felt nervous during the process was in flow at lunch i felt disappointed in what i […]
a humbling weekend, a realisation of just how on the edge i was mentally. to have gotten through that has left me smaller and more real. two years of attempting a research degree application has helped me to realise i […]
notes for an emerging research project in no particular order fine art basis intersecting well being psychology late diagnosis neurodivergence play theory reuse ethos play making/ play working extending the permission for adults research the work around sutton smith’s work […]
recently i found the rendition of the french national anthem at the paralympics original, emotive and engaging. the president of the paralympics committee’s speech engaged with me i’ve been considering how i am drawn to small groups of people, at […]
its come to my conscious thinking that what i an intending to do – my intention is- is to get more play happening within adulthood, to encourage play, and model play for others to become involved with or instigate themselves. […]
when i prepared the research degree application i can see now how stressed i became about what i didn’t know – the already published writing. becoming more accepting of what i don’t know and trying to stick to what i […]
keep the faith small steps little an often. play – what this is to me play – what this is to other adults play – how to frame as an activity for groups of adults within cultural settings music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nz1fx7p1Yw […]
today i been feeling the multi layers of the word isolation, from the obvious to an abstraction of that. it strikes me that there is potential for me to explore image making – something i rejected as an undergraduate because […]
it has struck me today that at some point i need to define what i mean by isolation – how does it apply to me and what does it feel like. this afternoon i walked our dog and on the […]
notes about hope after sending a message to the author of a research degree thesis downloaded from acadeimia.edu write the notes while the feeling of hope is still present maintain a level headed ness about the message – its a […]
notes notes when the emotions are fresh believe in dreaming recognise the long term commitment to this accept the long periods of time of little or no connection work towards the time punctuations dream to believe this is a solitary […]
aspect of discovering what was discovered many years ago – peruvian weaving lines. wanting to do research my way – not being guided to do it the way in which the dominate neurotypical past methods have been done. a neurodivergent […]
this blog is experimental in so much as i’m experimenting with recording the current feeling(s) situation(s) i am within so that in time i can revisit this blog/post(s) to see where i was relative to where i am. central to […]
having mowed a lawn, i seek rest on a sofa and to begin to collate the happenings in my mind, as a means to try to understand and reconsile efforts of recent months that have yielded little. this blog is […]
Thank you Arts Council England! My Neurophototherapy R&D project has had the most profound impact on my practice and in my life too. The gifts of Neurophototherapy have included collage, and a deep immersion in the collage form and […]
Project Art Works. The Turner Prize 2021 Exhibition at The Herbert Art Museum and Gallery, Coventry. Photograph by David Levene. I’m puzzled by Laura Cumming’s 2021 Turner Prize review in the Observer newspaper. Though I also have sympathy with […]
I was delighted to be invited to be part of an Autograph panel last night, to talk about neurodiverse art collectives. It was an event organised around the brilliant Sharif Persaud’s exhibition at Autograph called Have You Ever Had. The following is […]
Neurophototherapy has been full of delightful surprises, not least that the maker phase – supposedly occurring at the beginning of the project – has continued throughout it. Immersing myself in the collage community on Instagram has given me a whole […]
Image description: Head and shoulders shot of Sonia Boue as an adult, holding a vanity mirror over her face. The back of the mirror has been collaged with spliced photographs of Sonia’s face as an adult and child. I’m delighted […]
Image description: Sonia Boue is a white middle aged woman, wearing a black jumper and black rimmed glasses. She has short cropped hair and the photograph shows her using a brush and mirror set which has been collaged with photographs […]
I’m somewhat overawed to be supported by Arts Council England for my new R&D project, Neurophototherapy! This time I haven’t rushed onto social media immediately to announce my good news. It’s taken a few days to process what I want […]