Online panel discussion and screening: Mirrored to the Core
Online -
December 08, 2021 at 04:00 PM -
Across UK
“Looking through the eyes of the artist to see life. ” “Expanding the possibilities.” “I want to spend more work (time) on things.” “Becoming is an event, movement is passing in time and space. Becoming is not movement.” “Relationships” “Désoeuvrement” […]
Li-E Chen: Thinking Posture Thinking Posture 思想姿态 [Sī Xiǎng Zī Tài] and its Chinese characters together express the idea and the aesthetics behind my R&D Silent Opera on the Life and Art of Tehching Hsieh. 思(sī) to think; to cogitate: […]
Monday 5th — Monday 12th of September 2016 The artwork is ready, I have spent this last week completing the recording of three Chinese singers who very kindly accepted to collaborate on this project. The recording sessions took place […]