Christina Papaioannou
An interview with Christina Papaioannou whose paintings are showing in ‘Anorioton’ in London 2-20 December 2019
An interview with Christina Papaioannou whose paintings are showing in ‘Anorioton’ in London 2-20 December 2019
Chromatic compass, a recent painting that encapsulates my passion for colour and geometry. Futuristic angles and vivid colours (including metallic ones , i.e., silver) both collide into a striking composition.At first glance, this paintings seem static. Yet a dynamic sense […]
This week’s selection includes exhibitions in Glasgow, Leicester, London, Birmingham and Bristol – all taken from our busy Events section featuring events and shows posted by a-n members.
It may be slightly early to pen a round-up of my year but I’m at a point where I’m reflecting on the Solo Show and exhibitions I’ve been a part of.
So it’s September, one of the months that is not so active in the north of England for exhibitions and sales (well not where I’m based). My last show was a success and I’m in the planning stages of the […]
This week’s selection includes exhibitions in Cardiff, Kent, Cornwall and Nottingham – all taken from our busy Events section featuring shows and events posted by a-n members.
It’s less of a blog today and more of a collection of thoughts in relation to some of my recent works. Bursts of colour, bright scattered patterns, abstract shapes, the collision of photography, collage and paint. This connects to that, […]
The painting you see before you is literally buzzing. It’s a good representation of my brain right now. I painted it with great emotion, inspired by a piece of classic Spanish cinema called The Spirit of the Beehive (1972). Bees […]
This week’s selection includes exhibitions in Glasgow, Salisbury, Edinburgh and London – all taken from our busy Events section featuring shows and events posted by a-n members.
This week’s selection includes exhibitions in Wells, London and Rochester – all taken from our busy Events section featuring shows and events posted by a-n members.
My mind will probably go faster but the making of art is likely to slow down. This is my expectation as I prepare to start my Masters of Research in Art: Theory and Philosophy at Central Saint Martins. My first […]
The annual award, which offers a first prize of £10,000 towards studio costs, was created in 2013 by restaurateur Mark Hix.
This week’s selection includes exhibitions in Honiton, London and Herefordshire – all taken from our busy Events section featuring shows and events posted by a-n members.