Painting - Page 37 of 53 - a-n The Artists Information Company

Blog Post

101 Paintings

I walked the estuary trail from Exeter to Exmouth (approx. 10 miles) leaving 101 paintings along the way.  Below is a selection of images from my journey.

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Blog Post

Painting printing whats the difference?

It might seem a little odd to say, in the middle of a print residency, but, . . well here goes, It feels like painting. These latest pieces are part of a layered series called ‘Reportage’ and are A4 size. […]

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News News feature

A Q&A with… Lubaina Himid, painter and British Black Arts Movement pioneer

With solo exhibitions at Spike Island and Modern Art Oxford, and archival work in a new group show at Nottingham Contemporary focusing on Black British art from the 1980s, Lubaina Himid’s paintings and installations are attracting both critical and popular acclaim. Fisun Güner talks to her about politics, migration, and taking on the art establishment.

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Blog Post

Uninspired Workings

Uninspired workings I’m back to collecting rubbish. Strangely the streets are relatively rubbish free at the moment so I will have to give it time. The reason I am back to collecting local debris is because of what I am […]

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The inexhaustible middle

Exhibition featuring the work of Clare Rojas and a musical performance by the artist under the guise of Peggy Honeywell.

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Blog Post

Howard Hodgkin

Today I re-discovered Howard Hodgkin. An interview with Andrew Graham-Dixon , plus several articles convinced me that his view of art speak is very similar to mine. I’m no good at art speak . I’m going to use his words, […]

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Blog Post

Peace Painting workshops at Priory Witham Academy

Last week, I ran a series of Peace Painting workshops at Priory Witham Academy, organised by Paradigm Arts, who are funding the work. I worked with Paradigm Arts last year for a series of after schools comics workshops for my […]

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Blog Artist

Shamanic Art Workshop

Narberth Museum in Pembrokeshire will host an exciting workshop with Kate Walters looking at Celtic Mysticism and the Mabinogion. Insights into the ways that Kate uses her Shamanic knowledge to inform her art.

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News News feature

A Q&A with… David Brian Smith, painter

The Shropshire-born artist grew up on a farm, with his childhood experiences influencing everything from the content to the materials of his paintings. Here he discusses the continuing importance of painting and his latest body of work, currently on show at the Saatchi Gallery’s ‘Painters’ Painters’ exhibition.

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