The Dark Wood
Transition Gallery -
January 14, 2017 -
February 04, 2017 -
This week’s selection includes painting in London, multidisciplinary art in Gateshead and a group show exploring what it means to be independent in Liverpool.
Five projects from a-n members, selected from a-n’s busy Events section and taking us to London, Middlesbrough, Reading, Somerset and Swansea.
So my show’s been and gone, very happy with how it looked and how it was received but now feel strangely detached and uneasy in a period of reflection. Taking time to really look and think about my work is […]
November is a busy month for me. I was fortunate to have 3 small art pieces selected for the 2016 ING Discerning Eye exhibition taking place 17 – 27 November at the Mall Galleries in London, SW1. In addition I […]
This week’s selection includes reverberative play and DIY mechanics in London, a group show with Andy Warhol in a railway arch in Glasgow, and new paintings in Nottingham.
Artist Donal Moloney’s painting, Cave Floor, is the visitors’ favourite, chosen from the 54 works on show at this year’s exhibition in Liverpool.
In 1929 my mother aged 9 visited the North East Coast Exhibition; one of 4 million visitors. Above is an image of the postcard she bought showing a view of the Arts Pavilion. The exhibition cost around £7.7 million in […]
This week’s selection includes iconic painting in London, a dystopian installation in Liverpool, controversial photography in Derry, and new craft in Portsmouth.
Recently, I have been questioning and thinking of whether I should speak out about the bullshit I have been through in the art world; someone who is an brown skinned Artist and British born. Who has contributed to society and […]
May you be the mother of a hundred sons Elisabeth Bumiller This is the title of a book written by Elizabeth Bumiller. She is a woman that went to live in India in the 1980s and 1990s and she […]
On a recent weekend away, to walk and think, on looking at a map, I discovered that Monk’s House the previous home of Virginia and Leonard Woolf, was only a few miles away. I was unable to ignore the magnetic […]
Little voices Sometimes there is a natural lull in one’s art work. Caught between a mixture of wanting to try new things completely, to wanting to use my tried and tested methods to communicate current concerns. Ideally I should both. […]