Crashing Culture
An artist notebook from 1954 to 2016
An artist notebook from 1954 to 2016
Questions, questions, questions. I’ve concluded that controlling chaos is central to what I do. I pour and restrict paint over and over, creating chance then try and make some sense of it. Starting with a plan is usually too restrictive and thought out, […]
I was scrolling through images upon images, of the same sort of art that i have been looking at for weeks. I couldn’t help but feel that I had became trapped, in an endless cycle of books and letters page […]
Best known for his paintings using Humbrol enamel, George Shaw’s new show is the culmination of a two-year residency at the National Gallery. Fisun Guner finds out how he has responded to the gallery’s collection and gets some tips on how to rejuvenate the Turner Prize.
The fifth edition of the open painting prize features 39 painters, with exhibitions planned for London and Dublin.
These 2 works are a kind of continuation of what I was concentrating on last month – those small windows of urban existence – in particular reflections in a puddle and in a small local river respectively. These reflections draw […]
Well, it’s been a very informative couple of weeks. I had a 1-2-1 session with Cathy Lomax, organised by Blue Monkey Network which was really insightful, looking at my overall practice. Plus an inspiring first mentoring session with Rosalind Davis in which […]
Illma Gore is facing a potential lawsuit from US presidential candidate Donald Trump’s legal team over the potential sale of her painting, Make America Great Again, which is currently on show in London.
During the summer months of 2011 and 2012, Paul Winstanley travelled around Britain photographing the unpopulated studios of every degree-conferring art school in the country. Now translated into a series of paintings and prints, the work is currently on show at Alan Cristea Gallery in London.
So, I’m not very good at describing my own work, especially recently made paintings, scruffy (I said yestoday) indeed! That says nothing – it’s just the surface appearance. Also, I am looking from a point of view of honesty and […]
Some images of the ‘Silent Spaces’ exhibition a couple of days before the private view. Lighting and fine tuning still to do, but almost there. Final hang used 24 pieces. Opens 16th April. Show curated by Alan Kluckow at Alan […]
I’ve recently taken part in the latest installment of the “Interventions” project at Leeds College of Art. Curated by Catriona McAra, this series asks artists to: “…re-discover, re-invent and re-invigorate the creative realms of the library. Different strategies are deployed […]
After a long period of time, feeling lost, and without my comfort blanket of art school i plucked up the courage to enter the @twitrartexhibit for Foster pride charity in New York city. What an amazing experience it gave me, […]
I have been trying to paint spiritual paintings for the twenty-first century. In the Bible it says ‘God is love’ (1 John 4:16) so painting love is another way of painting God. I chose what I thought was a trendy, […]